
This isn't a promo shot, it is literally this empty.

Skyforge begins second closed beta on March 24th

If the first week-long test of Skyforge just whetted your appetite, you'll be able to get a second helping very soon. The game is...

Crowfall walks you through the life of your character

Today Crowfall treated its fans to a whopper of a dev diary detailing the path of progression that a character will take from a...

Tree of Savior looks to fans to edit the English version of the game

To get Tree of Savior into the hands of international audiences as soon as possible, imcGAMES will be allowing fans to help correct a...

Sword and Bored: Class selection

Our fearless protagonist, Mo Powers, loads into the class selection screen. Might he roll an Entertainer?
Hooray, Rytlock's actually doing something!

Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Revenant

It might be premature, but I'm pretty sure that the Revenant is my favorite profession in Guild Wars 2. And strangely, it's because it...
Sometimes, of course, we don't care about things like balance.

Check out a video tour of Guild Wars 2’s Revenant

Are you looking forward to the newest addition to Guild Wars 2's class lineup, the Revenant? Do you stay awake at night wishing that...

Guild Wars 2’s Revenant is powered by legends of the past

Ever since hearing about Guild Wars 2's ninth and newest class at PAX South, we've been dying to know more about the Revenant. Well,...

Crowfall thinks you play games to crush… voxels

Crowfall developer ArtCraft Entertainment has announced today that the game will employ the Voxel Farm technology platform. If that name sounds familiar, it's because Voxel...
Not actually my character.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO character for PvP?

I've been spending my gaming time lately PvPing in Guild Wars 2 in an attempt to reinkindle my old obsession with World of Warcraft battleground-style...

Crowfall will be buy-to-play with optional sub

Although we don't have the full idea of what Crowfall is, today we know more about how we'll be paying for it in the...

Trove takes to the skies in a new patch

What more can sandvox Trove add to its beta program? How about the power to rebel against the forces of gravity and take to...