code club

Indie studio known for Wurm Online.

Wurm Online is patching in buildable ceilings this week and teasing the goblin camp revamp

Wurm Online doesn't get enough attention in the MMORPG industry, in our opinion anyway, so we're going to rectify that today as the developers...

New World talks cooking, PvP metrics, and Amazon’s ‘correction of errors’ for season 5

So, who's hungry?! You, hopefully, and if not, you will be by the time you make it through the newest New World dev blogs...

Wurm Online’s Christmas event offers goats, elves, and bonuses

Hey, who's that peeking sheepishly into the window of Wurm Online? Why, it's Santa himself, trying to wrap up the season with the help...

Choose My Adventure: All of the MMOs you made us play in 2023, from Guild Wars to Gorgon

Well here we are, my friends. It's always such a pleasure. Remember when your votes killed me twice? OK, maybe that's being overdramatic, but...

Wurm Online completely overhauls its visual gathering system

Wurm Online is about to change up its gathering game for the better. Currently in testing, a complete overhaul to resource acquisition offers new...
Into the exceedingly well known.

Wurm Online’s owner Game Chest Group sees negative profits but says it’s ‘on the right track’ in Q2 financial report

Yesterday we reported on Wurm Online's end to a two month-long bout of radio silence, which saw corporate owner Game Chest Group detail efforts...

Wurm Online tries to ramp up marketing efforts, hires CM to improve communication

Things in the realm of Wurm Online have not exactly been steady and easygoing. Readers may remember that new corporate ownership by Game Chest...
Into the exceedingly well known.

Global Chat: Is Wurm Online fatally imploding?

I doubt that anyone would've predicted that in 2023, Wurm Online of all MMOs would be embroiled in controversy, developer walkouts, and predictions of...

Wurm Online internal comms show staff discontent, mass departures over conflict with owners

A small fan-favorite sandbox MMO such as Wurm Online should be allowed to spend its salad days enjoying modest growth amid a calm operating...
Into the exceedingly well known.

Wurm Online’s corporate owner plans a game rebrand and a new integrated cash shop

Who had "Wurm Online shakes things up in a big way" on their 2023 MMO Bingo card? Nobody? That's what we thought. In an...

New World begins testing Blood of the Sands seasonal update

While the fight for the attention span of gamers is crazy intense this June, there are few who are gunning to take the honors...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs offer great treasure hunting systems?

A post on Nomadic Gamers a few weeks back caught my eye because it was about treasure hunting in MMOs. Now listen, I don't...

New World announces second season, Blood of the Sands, launching July 6

Amazon just announced New World's second season, dubbed Blood of the Sands and due out on July 6 with a rather DUNE-like theme, right...

Global Chat: How do you play older MMOs?

It's always a challenge -- sometimes an insurmountable one -- when you jump into older MMORPGs after being conditioned by modern experiences. To help...

Wurm Online is clarifying tooltips and introducing a large pantry cupboard

Are you looking for a food storage solution in Wurm Online that's both functional and beautiful? Then look no further than the large pantry...

Warframe of Mind: A sneak peek preview of Warframe’s The Duviri Paradox

After years of TennoCons, folks can see that Digital Extremes is no stranger to introducing new concepts to Warframe, from fishing to flying to...

Dark Age of Camelot’s killer bunny returns, Wurm Online hides Easter baskets for subscribers

When the words "Harbinger of Spring" are read, most people would be forgiven for thinking pleasant, colorful, and sunny things. Maybe a faun wearing...

The MOP Up: Hearthstone welcomes the Year of the Wolf

The Year of the Wolf is coming to Hearthstone: "Throughout the Year of the Wolf, we’ll be focusing our efforts on making Hearthstone and...

Global Chat: Diablo IV is an MMO, change my mind

Besides melting GPUs, ejecting colors into the sun, and being more grim than your unapproving Aunt Kelka, Diablo IV's becoming known for actually being...

The MOP Up: Guild Wars 2 reworks its Gyala Delve meta-event

Guild Wars 2 pushed out a patch last week that adjusted how the Gyala Delve meta-event functions and doles out rewards. Part of this...