
Choose My Adventure: LOTRO’s fall festival rekindled my love for all things Tolkien

All right, that was a nice detour. It was going to be a long run in Lord of the Rings Online, so it was...

The Daily Grind: Do you keep track of your MMO gaming time, and if so, how?

A while back, we did a Daily Grind on which MMORPGs we played most excessively, and one thing that I pointed out was that...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers (not) in review

All right, prepare the fireworks and explosions; I'm going to dazzle you all with an astonishing hot take. Ready for it? Final Fantasy XIV's...

MMO Burnout: Arkham Horror the Card Game scratches my Secret World itch

After enjoying some video games with deck-building mechanics, I've been motivated to spend more time playing actual, physical card games. Following a fair bit...
Very satisfying.

The Daily Grind: If you could remove one World of Warcraft expansion, which one would it be?

It may seem like an odd memory at this point, but there was a time when the answer to "what's the worst World of Warcraft...

Massively on the Go: A primer for Pokemon Go’s November event plans

November may be the release month for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, but don't count Pokemon Go out just yet. The November events...

The Daily Grind: What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever bought in an MMO?

There are two types of MMORPG players: the type who spends game currency like there's no tomorrow because it's a video game and why...

LOTRO Legendarium: Maximizing your character’s first 20 levels in Lord of the Rings Online

Probably more times than I can count, I have started up new characters in Lord of the Rings Online and gone through those oh-so-familiar...

The Daily Grind: How prone are you to being distracted in an MMO?

When WildStar first came out, I remember reading (and even personally sharing) a whole lot of praise for how many things that the game's...

Lawful Neutral: Managing toxicity in the MMO industry

When I'm playing games, I make a lot of use of the reporting function. If I see a moonkin zerg farming a spot in...
All over again.

WoW Factor: Why World of Warcraft’s Torghast didn’t work

Amidst all of the other things that are being changed in World of Warcraft's next patch that has a dearth of content but a lot...

The Daily Grind: Does New World need mounts?

Earlier this week, we ran a Daily Grind on walking in MMOs, and I happened to mention New World as a game where walking...
City again.

Into the Super-Verse: Has Homecoming torched the plans of City of Heroes successors?

Anyone who has followed my career for a while is probably aware of the fact that I love City of Heroes. This is not a...

The Daily Grind: Is New World’s economy already in trouble?

A couple of weeks ago on the MassivelyOP New World roundtable podcast, we criticized the game's fledgling economy, wondering aloud whether it would perk...

Massively Uplifting: Warframe fights cancer, Square Enix helps the Red Cross, and Extra Life 2021 looms

Summer has ended, school has started, and now the leaves have begun to fall as the air turns cooler. It's a time of coziness...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: A completely accurate 10-point summary of MMO history

History! Let's be real here, it's pretty damn boring. No one cares about it, and it all happened beforehand, so why is any of...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most chill MMO for when you want to relax?

Even as the video game industry keeps trying to go bigger, more epic, and more bombastic in its games, I've noticed that there's this...

Choose My Adventure: Lord of the Rings Online might have been a bad choice for this column

So as that headline suggests, I probably mad a bad call adding Lord of the Rings Online as an option for a CMA column....

The Daily Grind: Do you actually use the ‘walk’ option in MMOs?

Movement in New World has been a bit of a weird reverse learning curve if you're using to wide range of movement in MMOs...
Nairs your Thav.

Wisdom of Nym: Final thoughts in the wake of the Final Fantasy XIV media tour

It's so relaxing to finally be able to talk about the media tour. I've talked before about how Final Fantasy XIV lacks much in the...