
The Daily Grind: What’s the best way for MMO studios to handle reveals?

One of the follow-up discussions after the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight reveal the other day didn't concern the content of the talk so much...

Massively on the Go: Nintendo Switch Sports’ post-launch is going smoothly – but to where?

Nintendo Switch Sports is out in the wild now, and while early reviews were limited to offline play, obviously our coverage requires a game...

Choose My Adventure: Final Fantasy XI’s PlayOnline decides to not let me play online

This was not how I was expecting to return to Final Fantasy XI. I always knew about the completely goofball account system that is...

The Daily Grind: How long do you trial a new MMO class before deciding whether it’s for you?

I've been playing City of Alts... er, City of Heroes lately, and it's inspired today's Daily Grind. See, I like to maintain a list...
This was only the start.

Wisdom of Nym: Examining Final Fantasy XIV’s refreshed PvP system

It has to be frustrating to be one of the PvP designers working on Final Fantasy XIV. Not because the overall team doesn't support you...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best elves?

OK, nobody tell MOP's Justin, but I don't entirely share his hatred of elven races in MMOs. I'm not entirely sure why. I didn't...

The Game Archaeologist: Six cancelled MMOs that I wish had launched

In my lengthy tenure writing The Game Archaeologist -- which dates back to May 2010, if you can believe it -- I've covered MMOs...
Kan-E-Senna is a lush.

The Daily Grind: What MMO-related release within the last five years held up to your excitement the best?

We talk a lot about disappointment here. I talk a lot about disappointment. There are a lot of times when you look forward to...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s May events make for a frontloaded month

It's been a weird news week for Pokemon GO. Mega news came out oddly and sporadically resulting in our Megas evaluation piece, while the Go...

The Daily Grind: What’s the weirdest MMO mount that you adore?

There's normal, there's weird, and then there's weird that's totally up your alley. Sometimes MMOs throw in mounts so strange that you know are...

Massively on the Go: The top 10 Pokemon Go Mega Pokemon worth investing in

As dataminers discovered back in April, Pokemon GO's Mega Evolution system has gotten its third reworking, plus the release of regional Kangaskhan's Mega, released globally...
waugh? okay

Vague Patch Notes: The positives of MMORPG rogue servers

Here at MassivelyOP, we have a complicated relationship with rogue servers for MMOs. We have some pretty firm rules about when covering them is...
Party Hardly

The Daily Grind: Which MMO inspires the most ragequits – not necessarily from you?

Today's Daily Grind is inspired by an email from MOP reader Slava. "I just recently started Black Desert," Slava says. "It was a bit...

Desert Oasis: Black Desert Mobile has a little something for every playstyle

It's amazing how fast two years flies by. It didn't seem that long ago that I was doing my first impressions piece of Black...
I circle the waterfront, I'm watching the sea.

WoW Factor: Blizzard’s excuse for not adding housing to World of Warcraft convinces no one

One of the things I noted in my initial reactions to the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight announcement was that I had not expected to get...
Buy me now!

The Daily Grind: How long do you play an MMO before deciding to spend money on it?

Investing in MMOs is no longer something you usually need to do up front. More often than not you can log in to a...

Working As Intended: LFD, community accountability, and the balance of power in classic MMOs

At the heart of the WoW Classic argument over the dungeon finder tool is the professed belief that LFD ruined socializing in part by...
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.

Perfect Ten: Things that turn me off from trying your MMO

Hey, designers, we need to talk. So, if you haven't noticed, I like MMOs. And you're making an MMO. This should be a good...

The Daily Grind: What MMO classes have the hardest mechanics to grasp?

Not all MMORPG classes are rolled equal. Some are well-known to be so simple and easy to play that you can slam your head...

Choose My Adventure: A walk into the yellow zones and realm warfare in Albion Online

After all of the time I’ve spent in my return trip to Albion Online, I can comfortably say that it’s not the kind of...