
Kind to rewind.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite story of anonymous kindness from an MMO?

One of the best parts about MMOs is that they give players a chance to be kind in countless little ways. Maybe not always...

Bungie swells its studio size and seeks to expand the Destiny IP with ‘new stories and experiences’

It would appear that things are going just swimmingly for Destiny 2 studio Bungie. In a recent press release, the company announced that it...

WRUP: The story of the wombat edition

Once upon a time there was a wombat. This wombat's name was Simon Birchson. Everyone thought this wombat was very cute and nicely rotund,...

The Daily Grind: Would you (or do you) play as a villain in an MMO?

Our recent Massively Overthinking discussion on being heroes in MMOs got me, well, thinking. I'm just not one who really cares for labels like...

Interview: Crowfall is ‘very close’ to launch, plus more details on 6.400 Transformation

This week has brought another massive update to Kickstarted MMORPG Crowfall: ArtCraft describes Update 6.400 aka Transformation as a "major balance pass of combat,...

The Daily Grind: Would you play an MMO with randomly generated characters?

MMORPGs are traditionally games where people spend a lot of time designing their characters. Even in titles where there's not much to character creation,...

Lord of the Rings Online nerfs Ill Omens event rewards

If you thought that the trio of top-shelf items that Standing Stone Games released with this year's Ill Omens event sounded way too good,...

Istaria plans new content, quest classifications, and revamps for races and armor in 2021

It's been about a million years since we last checked in on Istaria, fka Horizons, but that changes today thanks to the Virtrium team's...

MMO Business Roundup: Stadia’s bungle, Axie Infinity’s $1.5M in-game property

Welcome back to another quick roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news! Stadia: The Google mess just gets thicker, as apparently, developers on Stadia's internal...

Why I Play: Final Fantasy XIV’s memorable Shadowbringer relic weapon grind

I have a love-hate relationship with Final Fantasy XIV. I actively fought against giving the game MMO of the year for 2020, and I hold the...

Whatever happened to Legends of Aria?

The last time Legends of Aria studio Citadel made a formal announcement, it was two months ago, and it was an apology, as the...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs to get you out of your gaming rut

We have all been there. You've been gaming in your standard comfort MMOs when one day you hit that wall of burnout. You feel...

The Daily Grind: What non-combat, non-crafting system do you enjoy in MMOs?

There's always a lot of stuff to do in MMOs, but most all of it involves punching, slicing, or blasting into oblivion. That's not...

Lord of the Rings Online informal player survey highlights the least and most popular classes

If you've ever wondered which class is the most popular in Lord of the Rings Online, Squirle over at LOTRO Players has your back....

First impressions: Valheim early access is already one of the best co-op sandboxes in recent memory

Straight away, I'm going to admit that my favorable impressions of Valheim are wholly informed by the fact that I have the good fortune...
Over and over.

Blizzard is collecting BlizzConline Q&A questions for WoW, Diablo, and Hearthstone

BlizzCon is gonna be a little bit different this year. Yes, it's called BlizzConline, which is silly. Yes, it's in February, and that's weird....

The Daily Grind: What’s your absolute favorite dungeon in an MMORPG?

A while back, I asked our readers about the most boring dungeons in MMOs. It's The Oculus, by the way. That's the only right...

Player-run Open Perpetuum builds its first ‘truly customized island and PvE experience’

If we are learning anything from observing what's happened to Perpetuum after the devs handed off the project to the community, it's that sometimes...

The Daily Grind: What MMORPG would’ve performed better had it launched in a different year?

I was chit-chatting with longtime MOP reader Bruno the other day when we starting yawing about RIFT and EverQuest II and which one was...

One Shots: Outer space needs an attitude readjustment

In retrospect, outer space was asking for it. It was giving all of us a cold shoulder, being very distant, and lording its size...