
The Daily Grind: Have you ever won anything amazing in a lockbox?

With all of the discussion and controversy over MMO lockboxes as of late (you might have seen something), one thing we haven't talked about...
As a bird.

Choose My Adventure: Single-track shooting in Warframe

After my second week in, I have to admit that I'm kind of bothered by Warframe. Or, more accurately, the fact that I like...

Star Citizen on some of the big ships of alpha 3.1 and the St Patrick’s Day event

I hope you like starships because in this week's episode of Star Citizen's Around the Verse, you're getting two whole segments on just that....
Let the wrong ones in.

The Daily Grind: Why do you read and write MMO reviews?

Rock Paper Shotgun has an intriguiging pair of articles out this week on video game reviews. The first covered what game developers think about...

Massively Overthinking: The war on MMO chat toxicity

This week, The Ancient Gaming Noob posted up an image of RIFT Prime, where Trion asks people to... play nice. "Just a neighborly reminder...

Glitch-inspired Children of Ur abandons Google Chrome due to incompatibility

The uphill struggle to rebuild Glitch has hit a rather significant snag in Children of Ur. "It saddens us to bring you this news, but...

Interview: ArcheAge 4.5 Legends Return launches April 5th with dragon taming and fresh start servers

If I were to tell you that ArcheAge's next big update is launching next month, you'd tell me that it's too soon. And we'd...

The Daily Grind: When was the last time you binged on an MMO, and what was it?

Over the weekend, thanks to a perfect combination of nothing pressing on my calendar for a change, an injured ankle, and crappy weather, I...

PUBG, TERA, and A:IR company Bluehole has gone on a shopping spree

South Korea's Bluehole has been busy as the rise of PUBG has filled its coffers. It partnered with Tencent. It's been hiring for TERA's...
You have so many options, giving one more away won't kill ya.

Warframe celebrates five years and 38 million players

Warframe continues to defy expectations for online gaming playerbase sizes. A year ago, it boasted 30M registered players. As of today, it's up to 38M....

SoulWorker Online begins selling subs, responds to outcry over energy system P2W

SoulWorker is technically in open beta on paper; it isn't supposed to truly launch until later this quarter. It hit Steam at the end...

Global Chat: Avoiding MMO activities

Have you ever noticed that you play it way too safe in your MMOs, especially when it comes to interacting (or not) with others? Aywren...
This is not a frog, for the record.

The Daily Grind: Are you going to play Project Gorgon’s early access?

People, I am frustrated. But in a good way. With the activation of RIFT Prime, the release of LOTRO's Northern Mirkwood, and now this week's...

Shroud of the Avatar on R52 and launch content, craftable housing, and player ambassadors

Whether or not you agree that Shroud of the Avatar is already soft launched, it is most definitely hard launching on March 27th, meaning...
Not happening.

Saga of Lucimia argues GM events should be mandatory in MMOs, not an ‘optional service’

A few months ago, we ran a Leaderboard poll asking players what kind of live studio-led events they want out of MMORPGs. By way...

Guild Chat Special Edition: Interviewing Guild Wars 2 guild POOF

Welcome along to Guild Chat, the column through which we examine all things guild-related and solve problems faced by fellow members of the Massively...

Blizzard’s Overwatch League addresses toxicity with fines and suspensions, while the Dallas Fuel drops a toxic player

Last week, we covered an ESPN piece in which the author called out Blizzard for sitting on its hands after an Overwatch League player...

The Daily Grind: What’s the wackiest MMORPG enemy group you’ve ever fought?

So I'm playing Trove this weekend when I go into a dungeon on one of my lowbies and I realize that the mob that's...

Mythic and Undead Labs’ Sanya Weathers jumps over to Legends of Aria’s Citadel Studios

If you've been following the MMO industry for a while, chances are you've seen the name Sanya Weathers pop up from time to time....

One Shots: The Soviet Summoner

Undoubtedly, our world is poorer in this post-City of Heroes era for the lack of pun-inspired superhero names that used to run, fly, and...