
One Shots: The drinks are on us

Last week's (last) call for tavern and inn images seemed to bring out the nostalgic in all of our readers. It certainly didn't take...
Jaina;'s caught her head on the crusher.

The Daily Grind: What did you think of BlizzCon this year?

I am writing this on Tuesday. This means that the version of me writing this has no idea what has been revealed at BlizzCon....

WRUP: Is this what I wanted edition

So, for a very long time, I was one of the people crying out for making some of the many racial variants in Azeroth...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO soundtrack makes you the most nostalgic?

In covering MMORPG music for the past five or so years, I've discovered something interesting (yet not truly surprising). I can appreciate and even...
If you look to your left, you will see a sad person.

BlizzCon 2017: World of Warcraft ‘Classic’ finally delivers on legacy servers

World of Warcraft delivered a jaw-dropping surprise to its loyal community with an amazing announcement at this weekend's BlizzCon. Blizzard took to the stage...

Marvel Heroes has now missed three weekly updates in a row as Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters

It's now been two weeks since we've had any word on the state of Marvel Heroes, as today marks the third missed Friday update in...

Pantheon’s Brad McQuaid on alternate rulesets and multi-server MMOs

Pantheon's Brad McQuaid has another new blog post up - he's on a roll this week - this one on alternate rulesets in MMORPGs...

Wild West Online resets early access for November 15, still plans 2017 launch

Following all the delays and weirdness this past fall during which the game was declared "just not ready yet," the team behind Wild West Online...
Fight for something, probably, whatever.

The Daily Grind: What would Blizzard need to do to get you back into World of Warcraft?

In last night's Massively Overthinking on hopes and fears for BlizzCon - which kicks off this afternoon! - I laid out my thoughts on...

Roblox adds Xbox One cross-play, is now a ‘complete cross-platform ecosystem’

The bizarre behemoth that is Roblox is growing to even more gargantuan proportions as the team continues to connect its community. The social gaming...

Activision-Blizzard Q3 2017: Destiny 2 tops console charts, WoW monthly users are ‘stable’

If you were expecting big news out of Activision-Blizzard's Q3 2017 financial report... sorry to disappoint you, but you've probably heard the big news...

Crowfall shows off new UI windows (and some eye candy for the nerds)

"Boxy and functional" is not usually a compliment unless you want to get slapped or are describing a Volvo. But when it comes to...
So secretive!

Choose My Adventure: The truth is out there about Secret World Legends

Oh, Secret World Legends. What are you? Are you a Frankensteinian change forced upon an existing beloved game that sucked some of the life...

The Daily Grind: What would surprise you from BlizzCon?

There's a difference between predictions and hopes. Predictions are what you think is actually going to be there. Hopes are what you'd like to...

Armored Warfare announces China-themed Art of War expansion and November Steam launch

2 has today announced a massive new expansion for its MMOsy wargame Armored Warfare. Dubbed Art of War, it's due out "later this year"...

Check out the final product of the Final Fantasy XI community memories

This year marks the 15th anniversary of Final Fantasy XI, and you may recall that the game's fans took the time to assemble an...

Hellgate: London revival project opens its alpha to everyone

Still finding yourself pining away for Hellgate: London on occasion -- or perhaps you missed out on it the first time around? This 10-year-old...

EA’s Star Wars Battlefront II and Phoenix Labs’ Dauntless walk back lockbox plans

Hey, you folks who say complaining about lockboxes never changes anything? You're demonstrably wrong. It turns out that EA, which increased its revenues last quarter...

The Daily Grind: What are the best MMOs for older computers?

I think some of us take for granted that everyone has access to really solid gaming PCs, when the truth is that hardware and...

Chronicles of Elyria makes a case for an unique MMO world — with undergarments

Still a little confused about what Chronicles of Elyria is trying to do that we haven't seen before? The dev team has put together...