
Bungie now says it’s unbanning Destiny 2 players ‘banned in error’

Remember how yesterday Destiny 2's community was all freaked out about account bans they believed were being caused by use of overlays from programs...

Star Trek Online is bringing miracles and kilts to consoles next month

Once again, Star Trek Online's console community plans on catching to the latest update as Cryptic announced that Season 14: Emergence is scheduled to...

Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars The Old Republic’s cash shop is finally on the right track

Many of you will immediately turn to the free-to-play model of Star Wars: The Old Republic and reject my even thinking about the cash...

Bungie denies Destiny 2 community claims that third-party apps are triggering PC permabans [Updated]

We've updated with Bungie's latest statement at the end of this post. It's a classic case of he said, she said: the MMO edition. Following yesterday's...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO gives you the best freedom of movement?

As part of my annual fall return to World of Warcraft, I've taken back up with my Druid and am loving it for an...

Twitch is now dispensing Halloween lockboxes in exchange for donations to streamers

Hey, since it's absurdity week, let's just roll with it: Twitch is getting in on the lockox/lootcrate/gamblebox action, making every streamer and channel party...

Global Chat: Is there a gaming middle class?

Here's an interesting thought for the day: Is there a gaming middle class, one that exists between those with plenty of money or time?...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite and least favorite type of MMO daily?

Over the weekend, Guild Wars 2 players on Reddit opened up a discussion about dailies in the game that spoke to me. I used to...

Wakfu introduces the rage-filled Ouginaks, revamps Enutrof class

Do you ever despair that all MMOs these days seem to contain the same watered-down, trope-encrusted classes and races? Fighter this and Elf that,...

RuneScape apologizes for microtransactions and lack of update clarity

RuneScape's Thomas "Mod Balance" Sweeney has a post on the official forums today showing how apologies ought to go. This one's in regard to...

John Smedley rallies the MMO community to help former EverQuest associate producer

Former SOE head honcho John Smedley put out a S.O.S. on Sunday for one of his former employees who is recovering from alcoholism and...

Paragon Chat to host City of Heroes shutdown vigil on November 30

Almost five years ago, the City of Heroes servers shut down for the last time, as thousands of online superheroes (and supervillains!) were unmoored...

NeoGAF gaming forum goes offline after owner is accused of sexual harrassment

Long-running and popular video game forum NeoGAF went down virtually overnight this weekend following allegations of sexual harassment against the site's owner. A series of...

The Daily Grind: How many of you are still playing Guild Wars 2?

As I type this, Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire expansion has been out exactly a month. At the time, I remember making fun...

Brian Green on Meridian 59: ‘It was its own special thing for the time’

Veteran MMO developer Brian Green is perhaps best known for his stewardship over Meridian 59, one of the oldest and long-running online RPGs in...

Guild Chat: Should MMO guilds use trigger warnings?

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the column through which Massively Overpowered readers can air their guild issues and get help solving...

Kritika Online posts updated roadmap, starts testing Psion class

Now that Kritika Online has a half-year or so of live operation under its belt, the team is starting to get a handle on...

One Shots: Street legal

"Looks like it’s that time of year again!" says Ryuen. And so it is. The Halloween season has come upon us and it is inescapable. You...

Secret World Legends promises ‘major’ quality-of-life update next month

As Secret Worlds Legends' Samhain 2017 is in full swing and Funcom has released Hide and Shriek as a free title, there's a lot...

WRUP: Of balls and pins thereof edition

Why are pinball machines so expensive? All right, that one's obvious, they're rather elaborate things with lots of moving parts all wired up to...