
Working As Intended: The hits and misses of our 2023 MMO predictions

We've been offering up an MMO predictions list for Massively Overthinking for years upon years now as our writers and readers prognosticate on the...

MassivelyOP’s 2023 Awards: Most Underrated MMORPG

Welcome one and all to Massively Overpowered's formal end-of-the-year awards, our multi-week celebration of everything good (and bad) the genre bestowed upon us this...

First Impressions: Nexon’s THE FINALS blends the best features of Overwatch, Valorant, and Titanfall

As a true gamer through and through, I’ve played my fair share of games. By now I’ve probably played every genre of video game...

Light No Fire aka No Man’s Skyrim might be the survival MMO you’ve been waiting for

Far and away the most interesting new-game announcement to come out of last night's The Game Awards was Light No Fire. Granted, it wasn't...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best character (not fashion) customization as of 2023?

You know an MMO has done something impressive with its character creator when people actually complain that there are too many options, and that's...

Kind Words 2 expands multiplayer note-writing into a real social sandbox

Back in the spring of 2020, the games industry was rather hungry for something feel-good (you know why), so it was the perfect time...

Mortal Online 2 lists possible features for a future roadmap

Following its recent upgrade to Unreal Engine 5, Mortal Online 2's Star Vault is hoping to figure out its development roadmap going forward. The...

ARK Survival Ascended shares cross-platform mods, holiday event, and content roadmap through 2025

Studio Wildcard used its recent Extra Life charity fundraising livestream to outline a whole two years' worth of update plans for ARK: Survival Ascended,...
There are problems with this art, but we're going to overlook that.

End-of-year Eleven: The healthiest live MMOs at the end of 2023

When it comes to making a judgment call about the "healthiest" MMORPGs on the market at any given time, there are always plenty of...

The Daily Grind: How excited were you to play MMOs in 2023?

Excitement and motivation are powerful factors in whether or not you are truly engaged with an MMORPG. Sure, you can log into these games...
I'm sad!

Final Fantasy XI plans a challenge event for the community in December as part of its patch

To just look at the list breakdown of the content being added for Final Fantasy XI's December patch - the last one of the...

Star Wars Galaxies’ SWGEmu kicks off classic Wookiee Life Day for the holiday season

The nice thing about the Star Wars Galaxies rogue server community is that there's a server out there with nearly every era of the...
You only remember these people when someone dies.

Global Chat: Why does CCP keep trying to make EVE shooters?

We're not the only ones who keep wondering why CCP continues to push for an FPS game set in the EVE Online universe. Long-time...

Choose My Adventure: Project Gorgon once more proves both engaging and agitating

That headline might sound like I'm about to spend a whole lot of digital ink dumping on Project Gorgon, but I am happy to...
New Year's EVE

The Daily Grind: What was the best event in the MMO genre in 2023?

We used to run this Daily Grind as an award but canned it when we had a hard time summoning enough really stellar events...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offered the best PvE experience in 2023?

It makes me genuinely happy that this morning's Daily Grind is contentious and has no right answer because we have so many MMOs that...

Massively on the Go: Planning your Pokemon GO December 2023 Community Day targets

Pokemon Go's upcoming Community Day round-up event from December 16th-17th is a bit daunting. It's not just because the event regularly puts a year's...

One Shots: Fishing for a compliment

When life's moving a little too fast in your MMORPG, maybe it's time to take a break, dig out the ol' rod-and-reel, and pluck...

The Daily Grind: What departed and unplayable MMO do you most dearly miss?

There are eras of Final Fantasy XI's development which are gone now, but the game itself is still around. The official servers of City...
It's not illegal!

WRUP: Bones I have stolen edition

The bone that the schnauzer next door was playing with When it occurred: About half an hour ago Why I did it: If I can't be...