Black Desert adds a spicy new horse on PC and beefs up Land of the Sherekhan on mobile


We have to admit that hopping on to the back of a horse that’s crackling with golden electricity sounds like a really bad idea, but then again we’re talking about MMORPGs, where players do things that are wildly against all logic and self-preservation. So go ahead. Hop on to the back of the new dream horse that’s been added to Black Desert on PC. We’re sure it’ll be fiiiiine.

This zesty new horse is known as Voltarion and features a host of impressive abilities like stamina regeneration as it sprints, lightning attacks it can unleash on foes, double jumping, and the ability to leap through spacetime in short distances. Also, as one might expect, it’s really, really fast. Getting this ultra horse requires an item gained from certain PvP activities or some very high-level PvE instances, so players will have to put themselves in danger in order to ride the danger mount.

In addition to the new dream horse, the latest PC patch has kicked off a new winter-themed event that features ice fishing and snowboarding, applied a host of changes to the Deadeye that improve her PvP damage but nerfs her in PvE, makes several additions to the mount growth calculator, and improves a bunch of the MMORPG’s UI elements.

This week has also brought something new to Black Desert Mobile in the form of tweaks to Land of the Sherekhan: The content now suggests a significantly higher CP to access, improves drop rates for taking on monsters with higher CP levels while also lowering drop rates for certain charms, and adds a boss fight that can be summoned for extra rewards.

The BDO Mobile patch also adds a new eternal charm of succession that can be crafted, tweaks the Everfrost monster zone in an effort to reduce player congestion in the area, and increases the market price for a host of items.

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