Tower of Fantasy posts preview videos for its January 21 update and new character


Tuesday, January 21st, is bringing on a new content update for shared world RPG Tower of Fantasy, and if the two preview videos shared by the game are anything to go by, things are about to get very apocalyptic, pretty dramatic, and lightly fanservice-y. So, you know, anime as all get-out.

The first video focuses on the main story for the next update, with a peek into the past and the world-destroying Omnium explosion event that’s central to the whole plot, as well as what appears to be a bunch of timeline references, mention of a successful world restructuring, and the possibility of mecha suit piloting. All in all some good times.

In the second video we get a look at the update’s new simulacrum Voidpiercer, a sentient construct AI that wields the Star of Oblivion that grants it some potent dark energy melee strikes. Yes, AI self-actualization in this game world involves putting on a catsuit and kicking ass using kung fu. Let it rock.

More information about this forthcoming update – the last one before global publishing trades hands from Tencent to Perfect World – is likely to come in the future, but for right now there’s the videos waiting below to whet fans’ appetite.

sources: YouTube (1, 2), Twitter
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