
Star Wars: The Old Republic releases another trailer for Knights of the Eternal Throne

BioWare suddenly released yet another gameplay trailer for the next Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion. Much like the previous Knights of the Eternal Throne trailer,...

Japanese MMO shut down a day after launch for allegedly ripping off Final Fantasy XI

Is Chaos Saga destined to go down as the shortest-lived released MMORPG in history? This Japanese game that you never heard of launched on November...
Not paying attention is not a mark of honor.

Defiance plans for the New Frontier Harvest event

Every other MMO with a Thanksgiving event can pack it in because Defiance has clearly won the arms race. Literally, in fact: The game...

Trove throws community party to celebrate console’s unknown launch

Hey everyone! Trove is coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 this fall! When? Um... look over there! It's a party! Stop asking questions! Indeed,...
Cash shops make doggie sad

Elder Scrolls Online plans sales and free-play weekend for PC and PS4 players

If you've been curious about The Elder Scrolls Online but didn't want to take the plunge with the box fee, good news for you,...
Wholesome and simple.

PSA: Warframe is giving out free glyphs for the next few days

Free stuff alert! To celebrate the release of The War Within content update, Warframe is giving out free glyphs to its players. The only catch?...
Why must you disappoint hopes?

Wisdom of Nym: At the end of the world for Final Fantasy XIV

It's kind of weird to think about the fact that we just passed the four-year anniversary of the end of an era in Final...

Moonlight Blade’s Romantic Destiny update is live

You'd be forgiven if you missed last week's Moonlight Blade update; after all, it's currently in open beta only in China, with nary an...

The MOP Up: Gunjack 2 gets a launch date (November 13, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: A lovely holiday

If you were a dragon, what kind of dragon would you be? Perhaps you'd go traditional, with the whole "giant world-devourer" aspect. Maybe you'd...

Sit down for an hour with the LOTRO devs

There doesn't need to be a major release on the horizon to create an excuse to interview MMO devs, are we right? The crew...

Star Trek Online gives an admiralty system primer

While Star Trek Online PC players may be well acquainted with the admiralty system by now, it's brand-new to the Xbox One and PlayStation...

Warframe releases The War Within today

Continuing an epic story that started nearly a year ago, Warframe released its biggest update of the year today. The War Within takes players...

Massively Overthinking: Nickel-and-diming in MMORPGs

Massively OP reader and listener Suikoden79 recently wrote in to the podcast with a gem of a question I thought would be more fun...
And here we go again.

Overwatch hosts a free play weekend starting November 18

All the talk about new playstyles and new heroes in Overwatch doesn't mean much if you never play the game. Are you tempted to...

The Elder Scrolls Online is playable on the PS4 Pro in 4K mode today

As announced last month, The Elder Scrolls Online is one of the first games launching with 4K mode on the PlayStation 4 Pro --...

Perfect Ten: The worst patch naming in MMORPGs

Patches should, in all honesty, be the easiest thing in the world for online games to handle. You have a word that means patch,...
Weird dog.

Final Fantasy XI plans several events for XI Day

XI Day is almost upon us. What's XI Day? Well, it's November 11th, which has been designated as a special day for Final Fantasy...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online roleplay with the Human Floyd

Those who follow my columns here know that I'm a big roleplayer, but I don't exactly roleplay in the Elder Scrolls Online. I love...

Star Trek Online brings the duty officer system to consoles

As we well know by now, a console edition of a PC MMORPG usually doesn't contain all of the same features and updates. There's...