
Why must you disappoint hopes?

Wisdom of Nym: The state of Final Fantasy XIV’s ranged DPS

Honestly, ranged damage is a field that's never quite appealed to me as much as other options for doing stuff. Not just in Final...

Talking to Cryptic about Neverwinter’s new Stronghold PvP

We're on the horn with Cryptic Lead Designer Scott Shicoff and Senior Content Designer John Hopler to talk about Neverwinter's brand-new Stronghold siege PvP...

Destiny’s new expansion creates a headache for non-buyers

Destiny players are flocking by droves to upgrade to the new Taken King expansion... but what about those who decided not to jump on...

The MOP Up: All news must go!

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Welcome to the party, pal!

"You have to love randomly running across a band when you enter a building in Bree," reader Yrys said in conjunction with this picture...

Elder Scrolls Online is coming to Japan in 2016

Can Elder Scrolls Online take root in an eastern country such as Japan? That's what we're going to find out, as ESO will be...
Gosh am I glad that the dang frog is still around, too.

Final Fantasy XIV is creating its first European data center

Final Fantasy XIV is not a game with action combat, but you can still be pretty thoroughly screwed whilst trying to play the game...

Elite producer talks updates, events, and CQC testing

Frontier's latest website update talks up Elite's CQC beta and stress testing. The firm will throw Xbox and PC/Mac players together into one testing...

Destiny: The Taken King breaks PlayStation records

If you had any doubt that Destiny is a huge force in the online world right now, Activision's announcement that the game is smashing...

DC Universe Online’s GU52 is live

Game Update 52 went live in DC Universe Online earlier today, according to the superhero MMO's Twitter feed. Patch notes for the drop were...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Imperial City DLC is now on consoles

Cyrodiil's capital district is now available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 systems. Elder Scrolls Online's Imperial City DLC pack includes new PvE and...

World of Tanks rumbles its way to the PlayStation 4

If you are one of the 150 million people who've ever played World of Tanks but you just weren't content with the many devices that can already...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 30: Slumbering MMOs

Justin and Bree discuss WildStar, SWTOR, UO, ArcheAge, Asheron's Call, Otherland, Elite, GW2, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on early access MMOs.

Tamriel Infinium: Six great things to do in Elder Scrolls Online that aren’t endgame

Two weeks ago, ZeniMax launched the Imperial City DLC for Elder Scrolls Online, and yet I have little desire to check the new content...

Final Fantasy XIV demos ‘VR Titan Suppression Battle’ at Tokyo Game Show

If you happen to be in Tokyo for the Tokyo Game Show this week, make sure to drop by the Sony booth to gawk, as...

Destiny launches The Taken King

If there's a rash of unexplained office and school absences today, it might be the fault of Destiny: The Taken King. The massive update...

Not So Massively: Destiny loses court case; MOBAs try new toxic chat punishments

Destiny's ex-composer Martin O'Donnell won a major court case against his former employer, giving him back shares in the company that are now worth...

Elder Scrolls Online highlights its non-combat gameplay

If you're curious about non-combat gameplay in Elder Scrolls Online, a new dev blog on Bethesda's official website might be worth reading. Or it might...

Team up with Neverwinter’s Harper Bard on the Xbox One [All gone now!]

The Harpers are iconic in Dungeons and Dragons lore and video games in particular, including Neverwinter. Thanks to today's giveaway, you can add one to...

ARK video spotlights the headbutting Pachycephalosaurus

The newest bundle of dino joy has arrived in ARK: Survival Evolved, and it sure packs a whollup! Before you say, But I already...