
So, whatever.

The Daily Grind: What MMO content do you like the least despite doing the most?

I have never enjoyed arena PvP in World of Warcraft. Battlegrounds have a bunch of issues, but arena PvP is just not fun for...

Broken Ranks works on mobile edition, delays some features to revamp PvP and PvE balance

Only those with the longest and most attentive of minds will recall that Broken Ranks launched back in January this year -- and enjoyed...
There's a danger in loving somebody too much / And it's sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust / There's a reason why people don't stay where they are / Baby sometimes, love just ain't enough

The Daily Grind: How do you maintain interest during content lulls in an MMO?

No matter how good your MMO of choice may be about managing its content schedule, there are going to be lulls. It's inevitable. There...
And the crowd goes mild.

Overwatch 2 shares seasonal patch plans from its October launch with PvE planned for 2023

The wait is not yet over for Overwatch 2, but it's getting close to being over... assuming you were mostly waiting for the PvP,...
Try and continue.

The Daily Grind: When your MMO releases new content, do you try it even if it’s not your normal playstyle?

There were a lot of people trying PvP in Final Fantasy XIV for the first time on April 12th. I say this not as...

The Daily Grind: What ‘major’ MMO patch was the biggest letdown for you?

Look, you can feel however you want about World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. You can feel that it's one of the most disappointing and limply handled...
Oh look,

World of Warcraft will be revealing the next Shadowlands content update tomorrow

Playing World of Warcraft at the moment has involved a whole lot of staring at the sky and waiting for rain, metaphorically speaking. So it's...
Skull go BLORF

The Daily Grind: What’s your least favorite content in an MMO that you still take part in?

I have a lifelong policy of not being spicy to people who are bad in World of Warcraft PvP because I can hardly blame...
I'm the villain, too?

The Daily Grind: Do you get impatient with new MMO content?

The advantage to having a job that takes place at home and centers around video games is the fact that it's pretty easy to...
Sorry, guys.

The Daily Grind: Are there any languishing MMOs you’re still hopeful will recover?

You know, I was pretty down with the long wait for Final Fantasy XIV's most recent patch, but I have nothing on Secret World...
fa la la la la la ~

Overwatch’s ‘stagnation’ is the direct result of Blizzard working on Overwatch 2

If it's seemed to you like Overwatch just hasn't gotten as many fun seasonal events or unusual updates for a while, that's because it's true....
Yes, we're all very impressed over here.

The Daily Grind: What in-game leveling methods do you dislike in MMOs?

I really like the Deep Dungeon content in Final Fantasy XIV, but I kind of dislike people who spam it relentlessly to level up....
Same old story.

World of Warcraft: Classic is now planned to get six phases of content over time

As we approach the planned launch of World of Warcraft: Classic, it turns out we're getting a larger number of content updates than were originally...
Oh, is this one my time? It keeps changing back and forth.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever run a ‘solo’ guild in an MMO?

When housing first arrived in Final Fantasy XIV, a lot of people wanted personal houses but couldn't yet get them. So they did the...

E3 2018: Dauntless promises The Coming Storm arrives in August 2018

The Coming Storm is arriving. No, the storm itself is not arriving. You see, Dauntless has announced its first big content pack, which is...

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is coming to China with Tencent adjustments

Chinese players will soon also be allowed to play a video game about locking yourself in a box where you can scavenge for weapons...
But we're evil.

DC Universe Online unveils plans for a trip to the evil Earth-3

The DC Universe loves its alternate worlds, as you probably already know. (If you didn't already know, there it is.) Earth-3 is one that...
Iconic or no, I just don't care.

The Daily Grind: What sort of content discourages you from projects in MMOs?

Pretty soon, we're getting the next tier of anima/zodiac/whatever weapons in Final Fantasy XIV. Every time those show up I find myself thinking that...
We've done this before.

The Daily Grind: Do you prefer safe strategies or fast strategies in MMOs?

There's an interesting discussion which pops up on the Final Fantasy XIV Reddit from time to time regarding the differences between American and Japanese...
Ah, this was handled capably.

DC Universe Online opens up its episodes for the holidays

Maybe you're a new player of DC Universe Online who hasn't yet decided to subscribe. Maybe you're a former subscriber who wants to wrap...