cosmetic gear

Warframe shares Empyrean release plans, a new boss enemy, October’s update, and a Halloween preview

Oh, look, another Warframe dev stream packed to the absolute gills with information and updates. Seriously, these things have more details than most games...

Fight or Kite: Impressions of Ashes of Creation Apocalypse, a solid fantasy battle royale nobody is playing

A mere fortnight ago, the team behind Ashes of Creation took its MMO combat testing ground known as Apocalypse and opened the doors on...

Into the Super-verse: Why Ship of Heroes’ character customization tool is so important

What kind of hero are you going to be today? In most MMOs, that question and its possible answers are watered down and homogenized, but...
We wouldn't want to assail your dignity.

Fortnite extends battle royale Season X for a week and adds a speaker-powered hammer to Save the World

Boy, that headline only makes sense in Fortnite, doesn't it? The multiplayer shooter's latest version update has announced another week for Season X and...

Astellia Online offers hefty compensation package to preorder players

Following the official launch of Astellia Online this weekend, Barunson sparked a small wildfire among preorder players for the way it had gone about...

Snag an Ashes of Creation Apocalypse Swordbrand Cloak from Intrepid and MOP

In celebration of the launch of Ashes of Creation's Apocalypse battle royale mode into early access, Intrepid Studios has granted Massively OP a stack...

Guild Wars 2’s October balance update is live today, along with dismounting skills for the Warclaw

You can look now: Guild Wars 2's latest balance patch is here today with tweaks for every class and most of the specs too....

Flameseeker Chronicles: Does Guild Wars 2 release more paid outfits than armor skins?

I’ve noticed a common complaint bouncing around the Guild Wars 2 community, one that I believe to be a myth. Today, I’d like to...

The MOP Up: Warframe’s community designs stunning fashion

One really neat aspect of the ultra-popular Warframe is that Digital Extremes invites artistic community members to design cosmetics for the game. The best...

LOTRO Legendarium: Minas Morgul is off to a better start than Mordor

While we have known for a long while that this was coming, the official announcement of Lord of the Rings Online's 2019 expansion was...

Interview: ArcheAge Unchained’s Merv Lee Kwai on housing, RMT, and the future of the game

The announcement of ArcheAge Unchained and its buy-to-play, no-pay-to-win ruleset has been one of the big surprises of the season for the five-year-old MMORPG...

Atlas plans one more massive wipe plus weekend update ahead of Xbox One launch

Yesterday, Xbox One fans got some good news out of in-development pirate MMO Atlas: It's launching on the platform's early access equivalent on October...

Sandbox MMO Project C launches $149.99 founder packs, plans October closed alpha

Remember Project C? It's the SpatialOS-based open-world persistent sandbox MMO by Darewise, the same company that along with studio Nvizzio struggled to make the gorgeous space...

Maelstrom’s naval style of battle royale goes free-to-play

Okay, so what if there's a battle royale game, except the land is water, the collapsing ring is an ocean infested with giant sea...

Sea of Thieves celebrates talk like a pirate day with sweet Twitch loot

Dang, I almost forgot it was talk like a pirate day! If you aren't into LOTRO and World of Warcraft's take on the second-most...

No Man’s Sky kicks off a new community research event and fixes numerous bugs in Update 2.12

There's a fresh update for the (now) multiplayer sci-fi survival sandbox No Man's Sky that provides a reason for more people to come together...

Elite Dangerous’ new tutorial and new shop currency are live today

My own experience with getting started in Elite: Dangerous went pretty smoothly, but I contend that the tutorials I went through could have been...

LOTRO Legendarium: The bold life of a player chicken

When you get a little bored of the normal questing flow or dungeon hopping in Lord of the Rings Online, there are plenty of...
Cool, we'll meet the meat.

Fallout 76 offers up another Meat Week for cleaning up Appalachia

Appalachia is kind of a mess in Fallout 76. To be fair, so is the world as a whole since nuclear conflicts tend to end...

Smuggler’s Fortune brings the cash shop and the Black Market to Sea of Thieves

It's time to go shopping in Sea of Thieves! The Smuggler's Fortune update has gone live for the piratical sandbox, offering players a couple...