
Wub wub wub wub.

Defiance devs on the next season and the future of the game

The third season of the show Defiance starts up on June 12th, which is likely of particular interest to fans of Defiance the game....

What World of Warcraft would look like in Unreal Engine

Many words have been spilled about World of Warcraft's relative immunity to aging due to its stylized graphics. And while that art style is...
You guys are still here?

Bungie promises to ban cheaters in Destiny

It's not exactly a drastic reach to say that people shouldn't cheat when playing an online game. People should definitely not be cheating during...
Sometimes a ship is just a ship.

LEGO Universe died on the sword of dong-detecting software

Give another human being a creative tool with the instruction to make anything, and odds are that first creation is going to be some...
Let's dig our way out!

Is World of Warcraft’s decline tied to the rise of mobile gaming?

So what knocked World of Warcraft's subscribers down so quickly between the launch of Warlords of Draenor and now? Most people playing the game...
Can't we have this dramatic showdown in space?

Star Trek Online flame wars erupt over gay backdrop NPCs

The most recent featured episode for Star Trek Online stirred up some controversy because it's all about gay Klingons. By which we of course...

MechWarrior Online bans and shames 64 players

No one would debate whether or not it's appropriate to ban players for cheating, but there is space to debate whether or not it's...
Finally, your character can be known as Corporal Chesty.

TERA is releasing inactive character names

Names in MMOs are important. You want people to know who you are at a glance, after all. TERA has a lot of character...
They're fun guys! Get it because... you know what, yeah, you get it.

EverQuest is booting up another progression server

Remember when EverQuest launched a progression server and everyone rushed to it? Maybe not everyone, but the Ragefire server did launch to completely unexpected...

Jukebox Heroes: Infinite Crisis’ score will get you pumped up for the good fight

I love a really good superhero score. Some of my favorite pieces include John Williams' Superman theme, Danny Elfman's Batman introduction, Brian Tyler's Iron...

League of Legends tests automated punishments for bad player behavior

Getting on top of bad player behavior in League of Legends may be an impossible job -- for mere people, that is. But what...
Oh, this is going poorly.

Nexon Korea apparently yoinked some Blizzard artwork

There are certain phrases you never really expect to come up over the course of a work day, and boy, "Nexon steals artwork from...
Call the WAAAAAMbulance.

John Smedley talks smack to nearly 25,000 banned H1Z1 players

Do you like people who cheat in online games? Daybreak president John Smedley does not. After 24,837 H1Z1 accounts were banned for cheating (7,000...

Dungeon Fighter Online promises gifts for all if ‘Jerry’ loses weight

Sometimes there are stories that come across our desk and elicit an immediate response of, "What is this I don't even." This is one...

Jukebox Heroes: How Elite: Dangerous’ music put me into a mild coma

You know what gets me righteously angry? I shall tell you. I shall tell you, and then you shall share in my anger, you...

WildStar subreddit mod bans F2P and B2P discussions

Hope you didn't have plans to talk about WildStar's possible conversion to a new business model on Reddit because one of the game's subreddit...
Again? Still?

An all-Death Knight party downs the current apex of World of Warcraft raiding

So, what's the best group composition for endgame raiding in World of Warcraft? It looks like it's Death Knights. Just a bunch of Blood-spec...
It's pretty cute in person.

The Daily Grind: Have you bought real-world memorabilia for an MMO?

I don't think it's going to surprise anyone that I'm a pretty big fan of Final Fantasy XIV. Despite that fact, it may surprise...

Star Wars: The Old Republic cracks down on RMT ring

In the MMO community, shady websites selling game currency for real currency are considered especially heinous. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, these operations...
This game really provides no shortage of illustrations we need for this.

Hearthstone hits 30 million players

All right, bear with us here. We're not great at math at Massively Overpowered. But as it stands, Hearthstone has apparently hit 30 million...