daily grind

See: The Daily Grind


The Daily Grind: Have you ever mentored a new player in an older MMO?

It was a few years back when my wife decided to give Final Fantasy XI another shot and finally found it really clicking for her....

The Daily Grind: What MMO do you wish could live forever?

You all know that I love my hypotheticals by now, so here's another one for our daily discussion period. Imagine that you have the...

The Daily Grind: How do you deal with multi-timezone MMO guilds?

There was a neat thread on the MMORPG subreddit a few weeks back about how to organize MMO guilds across multiple timezones. If you...
Stop boring everybody.

The Daily Grind: What would get you to try out a battle royale title?

Battle royale games are both the newest flash-in-the-pan and one of the oldest genres out there; it's not exactly a new idea to put...
we's friemds

The Daily Grind: What role do you like playing in a regular MMO group?

If you can work around the complexities of multiple people's schedules, there's a delight to be found in scheduling a regular group night every...
happy birthday to me

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs do you keep installed long-term, even when you’re not playing them?

I tend to be the kind of person who keeps MMOs and other video games installed a long time, especially if I've gone to...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you wish the devs would just. stop. touching?

A few weeks back, MOP's Not So Massively columnist Tyler Edwards penned a piece on the problems plaguing Heroes of the Storm, and as...

The MOP Up: Warframe’s community designs stunning fashion

One really neat aspect of the ultra-popular Warframe is that Digital Extremes invites artistic community members to design cosmetics for the game. The best...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best non-combat PvP?

PvP is about more than just getting into the dirt with your opponent and seeing who drops first. Sure, it frequently is exactly that, and...

The Daily Grind: If you could bring back an MMO for a single day, what would you do in it?

Here's the good news: You've been handed a device that has the power to resurrect a sunsetted MMORPG and activate servers for you and...

The Daily Grind: Do you set MMO monthly goals?

There is a trend among us MMO bloggers that started a few years back in which we outline our gaming goals for each month...
Again? Still?

The Daily Grind: How important do you think player hubs are in MMOs?

It was really obvious how bad Warlords of Draenor was going to be when the expansion shifted its player centers. There were two cities that...

The Daily Grind: What constitutes a ‘classic’ MMO to you?

Earlier this week, a job posting on Blizzard's career site made it clear that the company considers Diablo III one of its "classic" games....
Well, I had fun.

The Daily Grind: Do you appreciate MMOs and games that challenge you mentally?

MOP reader and backer Avaera proposed an interesting Daily Grind topic recently about challenges in MMORPGs - and no, "challenge" doesn't refer to boss...

The Daily Grind: Has a class spec or overhaul ever saved an MMO character for you?

Thieves and rogues and backstabby stealthy types don't usually do much for me in MMORPGs. Oh sure, I play a stealth thief in literally...
Look, we all know it.

The Daily Grind: What would convince you to play an MMO temport?

Ah, the noble temport! The MMO equivalent of a mayfly, released in a rush, with the hope that the cost of marketing plus localization...

The Daily Grind: When was your ‘MMO birthday?’

We often note birthdays and anniversaries for online games here on Massively OP, but today it's not about the game -- it's about you!...

The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on wiki-reliant MMORPGs?

MOP reader Alex recently wrote to us about MMOs that seem to be built around their wikis - and why that's not necessarily a...

The Daily Grind: How would you revitalize a flailing MMO?

Good news, dear reader! You have just been placed in charge of a game that feels like it's on its absolute last legs! You...

The Daily Grind: How would you make a special MMO ruleset server?

Lately there's been some friction over in Lord of the Rings Online due to what players see as mishandling and miscommunication over the game's...