daybreak game company

Daybreak Game Company, colloquially known as just Daybreak, is what remains of the formerly Sony-owned studio SOE. The company was renamed following its purchase by investment firm Columbus Nova in early 2015. It is known best for the EverQuest and PlanetSide franchises, as well as Star Wars Galaxies, DC Universe Online, H1Z1, Vanguard, Dragon’s Prophet, The Matrix Online, Free Realms, and Clone Wars Adventures.

EverQuesting: (Almost) everything we know about EverQuest Next

In a perfect world, we'd have the mana of EverQuest Next news raining down from the sky, enough to satiate our hunger for information...

The Stream Team: Hunting shiny swords and special earrings in EverQuest II’s Heritage Quests

Although MassivelyOP's MJ has been spending some time on EQII's progression server, she'll never abandon her home on Antonia Bayle. There's just so much...
At last, good stuff.

EverQuest II plans server ‘consolidation’ in August

It's all well and good to prefer lower-population servers, but you can also reach a point when the population is so low that you can...

DC Universe’s Episode 15 content arrives this week for subscribers

Daybreak has announced the official launch date for DC Universe Online's Episode 15 update. Members can take the new content for a spin on...

Visionary Realms adds three Pantheon devs

Brad McQuaid's dev team for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen just got a little bit bigger. A post on the game's forum welcomes senior...
Mead mead mead mead mead mead.

EverQuest Next challenges players to design buildings for Halas

One of the cooler parts of the EverQuest Next development process is that it's not happening behind closed doors; players have already had the...

Check into H1Z1’s upcoming hospital

Although H1Z1 is deep in clean up mode, that doesn't mean forward progress isn't still being made. Producer Steve George and Senior Game Designer...

The Stream Team: Checking out claims and giving away Landmark goodies

Sometimes when you tour claims in Landmark, you have a theme you want to follow, such as trains, dragons, the wild west, or space...

Leaderboard: What’s your favorite EverQuest II class?

I'm back in EverQuest II and having a pretty good time with it. As per usual, though, I can't decide on a primary class...

EverQuest II’s prog server isn’t as fun as the real thing

I've been playing the crap out of EverQuest II for the past week. Funnily enough, the vast majority of said playtime hasn't been on...

Here’s how to tell what features are on your EverQuest II account

I recently returned to EverQuest II, and since it's been over a year since I played it seriously, I figured I had better pony...

The Stream Team: Having fun hacking up H1Z1 zombies

There are many ways to release tension, and a favorite one for MassivelyOP's MJ is hacking up H1Z1 zombies! Yes, swinging that ax and...

The Daily Grind: How much money have you spent on MMOs this month?

I bought EverQuest II's latest expansion yesterday, and along with my SOE Statio... er, my Daybreak All-Access pass and my Star Wars: The Old...

The Stream Team: Finishing EverQuest II’s Isle of refuge

After waiting so long to see the Isle of Refuge again, MassivelyOP's MJ is having a hard time leaving it. But leave it she...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 23

Justin and Bree discuss Smed's resignation, Project Gorgon, Guild Wars 2's Tempest, Camelot's tribute, SWTOR's Togrutas, and WildStar's stat overhaul, with a buncha mailbag questions on Marvel Heroes.

Pantheon’s Brad McQuaid on mass market MMOs, Smed’s resignation

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's Brad McQuaid has a word or two (thousand) to say about the ongoing debate as to what constitutes an...

Leaderboard: How many MMOs have you played this week?

I guess my MMO habit is back in full swing, because after a few weeks of vacationing in the realm of single-player titles (and...

The Stream Team: Stroll the streets of EverQuest Next’s Qeynos in Landmark

One key selling point of Landmark was how it gives players the chance to be a part of creating EverQuest Next. Through the...

EverQuesting: First impressions of EQII’s progression server

When it comes to a launch, rough winds are pretty much expected. But surprisingly, EverQuest II's progression server launch on Tuesday was pretty much...

Massively Overthinking: Dealing with toxicity in MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Kickstarter donor Dahui, who asks, "What do you think MMO developers can do to try to minimize...