
In today's installment of non-surprises.

Sacrament looking to build an indie MMO with community involvement

If there's an overarching theme to the information that's been posted thus far for Sacrament, it's that the designers clearly want it to have...

Guild Chat: Finding MMO fun without your guildmates

Good news, everyone: I'm back with an unexpected edition of Guild Chat for you! Observant Massively Overpowered readers might have noticed that I rotate...

PAX Prime 2015: Sword Coast Legends makes a great first impression

I like to think that it's not the hype getting to me when I talk about Sword Coast Legends. When I first saw the...

Massively Overthinking: Making MMOs more social from the inside out

This week's Massively Overthinking topic from an anonymous Kickstarter donor asks us to set aside our criticisms of the social environment of MMOs and...

Guild Wars 2’s PAX reveal leaks early, and it’s a big deal

Guild Wars 2 hasn't had much luck with its expansion reveal pace lately between dataminers and leaks, and this afternoon, that bad luck continues....

The Secret World unlocks Manufactory’s nightmare mode

The Secret World rolled out the next stage of Issue 12 by unlocking the nightmare mode for the new Manufactory instance. Issue 12 came out on...

Mobile game replicates the World of Warcraft raid healing experience

Healers are the often unsung heroes of any MMO raid, spending hours staring at health bars while the rest of the group gets to...

World of Warcraft unlocks Archimonde fight for raid finder

There's now nothing standing between you and PUG raid success in World of Warcraft's Hellfire Citadel, except perhaps gear, skill, and ill-timed AFKs. Blizzard announced...

Action MMO Asker Online is in open beta

Asker Online is in open beta as of today, but what the heck is Asker Online? According to Steparu, it's kinda like Vindictus. A...

The Daily Grind: Should MMO studios interfere with server politics?

Last week, a reader named Bob alerted us to a messy political situation on EverQuest's Lockjaw progression server. Apparently, characters from a large uberguild were...
Where you at?

Wisdom of Nym: Two years since Final Fantasy XIV’s relaunch

I remember a couple of years ago, in February, getting ready to fly across the country for Final Fantasy XIV's big press event. I...

The MOP Up: Rick & Morty meet MOBAs

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Chaos Theory: Touring The Secret World’s Issue 12

Do you think a little thing like being in another country and having dismal internet could keep me from touring The Secret World's Issue...
I don't really know either.

The Secret World launches Issue 12 today

Have you been enjoying yourself in The Secret World's version of Tokyo? The game's Issue 12 patch brings the end of your visit to...

Perfect World launches PWI’s Riptide update

Perfect World Entertainment has announced that its Riptide update is live for Perfect World International. The patch includes a new star chart system, which...

The Daily Grind: Could The Secret World survive as a single-player game?

Most MMOs would make terrible single-player games by virtue of their scope and design. Take multiplayer out of it and most of us would...

Land of Britain vows to fashion a completely dynamic game world

Stack this on top of grand promises made in MMO history: The upcoming tri-faction Land of Britain is going to attempt to pull off...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR datamining and guild building

Usually, I don't combine two topics into one article, but these two things are important and I don't want to go another week without...

Be a monkey in SkySaga and fulfill your dreams

Don't be ashamed of that time when you were chastised for "monkeying around." Instead, own it by playing as a hyper simian in SkySaga. When...
Nobody can fly, stop trying to fly.

Heroes of the Storm shines the spotlight on Kharazim

How much do you know about the newest support character in Heroes of the Storm? If you know less than you'd like, or if...