
Microsoft president and US intel say Russian operatives are targeting gaming for espionage

Earlier this week, we covered the bizarre but sadly believable news that the military secrets leak every major newspaper is currently focused on may...

Perfect Ten: 10 reasons New World deserves a second look

If you were one of the many, many players who skipped off New World after giving it an initial try, well, we don't blame...
Time to poke on home.

The MOP Up: Pokemon Go and the mystery of the missing 15-foot spoon

A Pokemon Go player helped solve a bizarre mystery: A 52-year-old man playing the MMOARG stumbled upon a massive 15-foot red spoon near a...

CCP Games’ CEO defends Project Awakening’s existence as the studio seeks a blockchain ecosystem dev

Any cryptocurrency-focused video that opens with a gigantic legal disclaimer stating its content shouldn't be taken as legal or financial advice should immediately set...

The Cycle Frontier adds new weapons and monsters, applies new anti-cheat measures, and ends server wipes

This week has brought a fresh season to the PvPvE survival FPS The Cycle: Frontier, and by all accounts it is a whopper of...

Foxhole studio announces Anvil Empires, a persistent war sandbox MMO with thousand-person battles

If you thought Foxhole is a great MMO - as we sure do - and were wishing its devs would expand their skills to...

Albion Online teases legendary weapons, new weapon line, and ‘proper castle and siege fights’

The launch of Albion Online's Albion East server last week has seen multiple ups and downs for both realms over that period of time,...
Bap-a-dap-daaaa, daaa, dap-a-bap-daaaaaa ~♪

Star Wars: The Old Republic kicks off Galactic Season 4, PvP Season 2, and 64-bit client

An urgent communique has gone out over the galactic holonet, informing the denizens of a galaxy far, far away that Star Wars: The Old...

For Science: Crit-Rate is another survey-driven attempt to match gamer personalities to games

I have to admit I almost deleted the press release for this story without reading it, but my finger twitched, and let me tell...

The Daily Grind: Do you still craft in MMOs where crafting is pointless?

I could swap out the words "craft" and "crafting" in the question in today's Daily Grind topic and I think the same point would...
Now we're gundagood.

Lord of the Rings Online talks crafting vocations, recipes, and guild rep decay

Lord of the Rings Online crafters, listen up, all two of you! OK, three of you if I count myself! I kid, I kid,...
Uh... this doesn't look like an auction...

The Daily Grind: Should MMO servers use linked or independent auction halls?

I'm of two minds on this one. I really like server-linked auction halls! I like when there's just one shared economy for everyone, so you...

Massively Overthinking: When is localization itself the kiss of death for an imported MMORPG?

Last week, when I was poking around the internet trying to understand why Amazon was still making excuses for de-sexualizing some Lost Ark characters...

Star Citizen previews upcoming underground locations, visual effects

The underground sprawls planned for Star Citizen, which readers will recall was one of the features highlighted at last year's CitizenCon, is back under...
two to the one to the one to the three

Bless Global is back again, this time on mobile and Steam as a shambling blockchain horror

I'm sorry to report this morning that Bless is back and at it again. Oh, that sounds cruel if you don't know the history, so...

Lost Ark protects its market from gold farmers, casts The Witchers’ Geralt into oblivion

After over a month in the game, Lost Ark is bidding farewell to its oddball pairing with The Witcher and sending poor Geralt into...

Albion Online’s Beyond the Veil Patch 4 is live with ZH/IN language support and combat balancing

Yesterday saw a major planned outage for Albion Online as studio Sandbox Interactive pulled the servers offline for patch 4 and preparations for the...

Tamriel Infinium: 18 activities to do at max level in Elder Scrolls Online

As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and so it's been with the past six months between me and Elder Scrolls Online....

Global Chat: Where does WoW Classic go from here?

As Wrath Classic gets closer to its preordained expiration date, Priest with a Cause is asking a question that a lot of people are:...

Destiny 2’s day-long outage this week was the result of… a config error in a dev tool

Destiny 2 suffered a nasty outage earlier this week that took the game down more than 24 hours and even caused a rollback. Now,...