eve online

Official Site: EVE Online
Studio: CCP Games
Launch Date: May 6, 2003
Genre: Sci-Fi Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid Free-to-Play (Optional Subscription, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

EVE Online opens applications for closed beta testing of its Excel spreadsheet integration

The literal application of "spreadsheets in space" for EVE Online is taking one step closer to reality. The game's integration with spreadsheet software Microsoft...

EVE Online casts a spotlight on the Uprising update’s sound design and musical score

Are you an EVE Online player who has been enjoying the ear candy introduced by the Uprising update? Would you like to learn more?...

Massively Overthinking: What will be your three most-played MMOs in 2023?

Last week in Massively Overthinking, we discussed our three most-played MMOs of 2022 - and whether we'd guessed right at the top of that...

EVE Online marks Lunar New Year with store bundles, events, and Simplified Chinese support

It’s the year of the rabbit, and EVE Online is choosing to celebrate the occasion by asking people to buy stuff: The EVE Store...

Interview: Annex is a ‘romantic gold-rush’ MMO set in a post-post-apocalyptic world

Last November, we reported on a new Icelandic game studio and the hints of its upcoming MMORPG project by ex-CCP developers. Arctic Theory, as...

The MOP Up: Final Fantasy Record Keeper meets its finality

We're a little late to the party on this, but friend of the site Connor pointed out that Square Enix shut down yet another...

Global Chat: The MMO blogs you should be reading in 2023

Welcome to a new year of Global Chat -- and with it, the anticipation of a great assortment of MMO blog essays, questions, guides,...

Massively Overthinking: The biggest 2022 MMO trainwrecks (almost) nobody noticed

As we wrap up our end-of-the-year and turn-of-the-calendar content until next December, there's one more recurring Massively Overthinking I like to do - and...
This is fine.

End-of-Year Eleven: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2023

Years ago, I did the first version of this yearly column in a one-off format in the middle of the year just because I...

EVE Online’s latest patch updates the visuals of the Minmatar Rifter and sells newbie ship skins for all

It's not often that vets of EVE Online would look at new players with a sense of envy, but a recent update to the...

The MOP Up: Star Wars Galaxies’ Empire in Flames celebrates Boonta Eve

Star Wars Galaxies' Empire in Flames isn't lying down for January's drabness. Rather, the rogue server welcomed Boonta's Eve for the entire month. During...

EVE Online says lowsec murder and ship production are up since Uprising

In its first producer's letter of 2023, CCP Games is once again talking up EVE Online's active players, but if you're hoping for an...

Massively Overthinking: Hopes and fears for MMOs in 2023

As 2022 drew to a close, we spent our Massively Overthinking roundtables discussing our predictions for 2023 as well as our goals. Now, we're...
New Year's EVE

EVE Online shares a video retrospective of its year with the community

Late December is the time when we all start thinking about the year that was, usually how much of a pile of garbage it...

One Shots: The best player-submitted MMO screenshots of 2022

For our very last One Shots column of 2022, we're going to take a break from the routine to hand out awards to our...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMO stories of 2022

It's tradition for us to pick out one big story or narrative arc that defined the year and slap it with an award label,...

City of Heroes’ Rebirth and Homecoming rogue servers kick off their respective holiday events

Christmas has come to the rogue servers of City of Heroes, and whether you're looking for some classic festivities or a seasonal event with...
No comfy chair?

The Daily Grind: What was the worst MMO trend of 2022?

Earlier this week, we dished out our "best MMO trend." Today, I want to talk about the worst trend, and really there are a...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2023

Nobody can see the future, but it sure is fun guessing, and that's exactly what we're going to do for (to?) the MMO genre...
Winter in space, Friday in California

EVE Online brings back the Winter Nexus event today

"My friends," you ask your corporation in EVE Online, "what is the real meaning of Christmas?" And to that they all laugh, because Santa's...