EVE Online explains what Havoc’s pirate faction gameplay will look like in latest video


If the lore and design-centered video for Havoc out of EVE Online left you underwhelmed, then you might be more interested in the newest video from CCP Games, which has a more gameplay focused bent to it as it takes a closer look at pirate faction gameplay and its effects on the spaceship sandbox.

When Havoc arrives to the MMORPG, players will be able to more officially align themselves with the Gurista Pirates or the Angel Cartel, each with a focus on taking advantage of two different sides of the universe’s wider faction war. When a pirate raid is launched on a system, pirate-aligned players will be tasked with launching from a pirate FOB, committing crimes, and increasing a metric known as corruption, while the opposing empire faction playerbase will attempt to restore law and order and build up suppression.

The effects of corruption and suppression will be different depending on which level each metric reaches, up to a maximum level of five. These effects start small, like more loot dropped from killed player ships as corruption builds or higher pirate bounty payouts if suppression rises, while maximum corruption allows pirates to use certain weapons that would otherwise be restricted in the system’s security level and maximum suppression brings on new defense structures to make travel safer for law-abiding pilots.

Each side of the conflict will earn one point towards a wider insurgency point goal for each system that is fully corrupted or suppressed, which will in turn kick off a different event: If the lawful side meets its point goal, the pirate FOB will become vulnerable to attack, while pirates will both get away with all of their loot and cause corruption to grow across nearby systems if their side hits the point goal.

CCP notes that reaching maximum level on either metric is a tricky thing to pull off and each one is not mutually exclusive: maximum suppression and corruption can be possible in the same system at the same time. The video below is highly detailed, so players looking to take up either side would do well to watch it in full below.

source: YouTube
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