
Not So Massively: Imagining a true MMORTS

MMOs and RTS are two of the genres of game I play the most. Given that, you'd think I'd be a big fan of...

LOTRO Legendarium: Revisiting Riders of Rohan in Lord of the Rings Online

It's finally time: We're heading back to Rohan. On Lord of the Rings Online's progression servers, at least -- the live servers have hosted...

Lawful Neutral: Examining the infamous MMO lockbox, 2020 edition

I have a soft spot for paranormal horror. I love movies about demons, ghosts, hauntings, possessions. There's one particular movie from the early aughts...
Sort of draconic.

Vague Patch Notes: How to read games industry investor reports as a player

The old adage goes that diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you can find a rock. By extension, marketing is the...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: MMOs I’m optimistic about in 2020

I didn't actually plan to make this an annual feature or anything; I thought of it last year as a fun list, and then...

The Game Archaeologist: The legacy of Guild Wars

Last week on The Game Archaeologist, we examined the exciting beginnings of Guild Wars, thanks to a trio of ex-Blizzard developers who wanted to...
Just absolute galaxy brain

WoW Factor: So why did people love WoW’s Wrath of the Lich King so damn much?

Sometimes, when I write something and note it would require an additional column, it is a preview of coming attractions and something I actually...

Perfect Ten: When celebs crossed paths with MMOs

Even as the world continues to turn to and normalize gaming as a respectable hobby, there's still a lingering stigma of playing online titles...
Have you heard?!

The Game Archaeologist: The rise of Guild Wars

In early 2005, World of Warcraft mania was rising exponentially, month over month. But even as Blizzard's MMO juggernaut barreled toward its full strength...

Lawful Neutral: Examining DDoS attacks and their impact on MMOs

When I was younger, used to play with LEGOs with my cousins all the time. We'd spend time creating huge houses and vehicles that...

Massively Overthinking: The undeath of the MMORPG genre

Last week, there was a provocative thread on the MMORPG subreddit that subverted the tired idea that the genre is "dead." It's not, u/Selphea...
There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: Tabletop RPGs that would make fun MMOs

Sometimes you have a deep and current reason for writing a column, something that is actively happening in the world of MMOs that requires...
All those darn crows refuse to stay airborne.

Fight or Kite: MMO PvP needs to be memorable or it’s not worth the bother

The best combat-related moments I’ve had in gaming were always surprising feats or wild encounters with other players. They weren’t always victories, but those...

Massively Overthinking: The one about MMORPG content roadmaps

You know what word I love to hear from MMORPG developers? Roadmap. If you're a millennial or older, you surely remember roadtrip life before...

Lawful Neutral: Examining the ArcheAge class action lawsuit – and what it means for gamers

Gamers threaten lawsuits a lot. Most of the time they threaten lawsuits over things that aren't really something they can sue over, usually due...

The Game Archaeologist: Super-early versions of MMORPG websites

One of the absolute best things the internet ever generated has been the Internet Wayback Machine. Through this site, snapshots of millions of websites...
Multi-digit division.

Global Chat: Why player representation in games matters

The recent flap over Escape from Tarkov's public pronouncement of "no icky girls" (my paraphrase) as playable characters in its game elicited more than...
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.

Vague Patch Notes: Guild Wars 2 might be the MMO that defined the last decade

It's been about a week or so since we did our Overthinking on the best MMO of the decade, and I ultimately rattled off...

Fight or Kite: Griefing! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

Here we are at the very first Fight or Kite of the New Year and of the decade. With it, let’s discuss something that...

The Game Archaeologist: That time when MTV made a virtual world

For the music trendy in the '80s and '90s, MTV was a huge source of fascination and audio discovery. It was the edgy channel...