everquest 2

See: EverQuest II

The Stream Team: Conquering EverQuest II’s Chronoportals

The fact that EverQuest II was literally born out of the popularity of EverQuest is not lost on the younger game, and during the...

Hyperspace Beacon: What you need to know about SWTOR’s Outfit Designer

Update 3.2 for Star Wars: The Old Republic is, in a lot of ways, my update. From the beginning of the game, I wanted to visit...

One Shots: Memories of those long lost

Sometimes we start silly, and sometimes we start weird, but today we're going to start somber and reflective. Reader Becca made a discovery that...

Massively Overthinking: Making MMOs ‘sticky’ without vertical progression

Today's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter backer Jersey C, who asks, If you were asked to design an MMORPG without vertical progression...

EverQuesting: Celebrating EQ’s 16th year

Happy birthday, sweet sixteen! That's the song going through the air this week as EverQuest celebrates its latest claim to fame: membership in an...

EverQuest Next ditches lore and general discussion forums

Assuming that there will be a wealth of lore and backstory in EverQuest Next, you won't be finding out about it on the official...

Global Chat: MMOs as grief therapy

We'll begin today's tour of community articles by touching on a rather somber (yet uplifting) note. Pixelkin wrote a great piece on how her...

Daybreak constricts gamemasters in EQ and EQII

A Massively Overpowered reader named Nick recently alerted us to a new EverQuest II customer support policy he'd been sent in-game in response to...

Leaderboard: Which Daybreak MMO is most vulnerable?

Are you over the Daybreak Game Company layoffs shock yet? Nope, neither am I. But my shock is compounded by dread over the fate of the...

Daybreak teams reassure MMO players, deflect DDoS attacks

More assurances are coming your way from Daybreak Games, this time from reps of each of the studio's games. "Absolutely nothing" has changed, according to...
EQ2 freeport

Daybreak layoffs hit Landmark, EverQuest Next, H1Z1, more

Well, here's a news post I didn't want to write. SOE Daybreak Games has laid off popular Global Community Relations lead Linda Carlson as...