
Nothing else has worked.

WoW Factor: Impressive Influence and the ongoing half-hearted Battle for Azeroth apology

To my great disappointment and chagrin, Blizzard turned out to not catch the same winds (of wisdom) that influenced the extending of experience boosts...

NetEase financials Q1 2020: A revenue boost ahead of EVE Echoes and Diablo Immortal

NetEase joins NCsoft in having a big first quarter financial report for investors, and it didn't have to bluster about merely surpassing low expectations...

ArcheAge Unchained issues free trial ahead of Garden of the Gods

With ArcheAge's Garden of the Gods update on the way in June, Gamigo is looking to pique interest and boost the playerbase with a...

Path of Exile is trying its darndest to get a content update out in June

Usually here at Massively OP we tend to mock announcements about announcements, but in the case of Path of Exile, we are willing to...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s healer problem and how it’s kind of unsolvable

I quite like Final Fantasy XIV's healers. I really enjoy both Scholar and White Mage, and considering that this expansion is one in which I'd...

EverQuesting: EverQuest II’s Blood of Luclin offers an aggravating lesson on gated MMO content

To the moon, Alice! Well, I may not be Alice, but I did go straight to the moon. EverQuest II's Blood of Luclin expansion...
We all become done.

WoW Factor: Why I genuinely miss World of Warcraft’s old janky Retribution Paladin

So now we've gone through all of the ability unpruning and changing coming with World of Warcraft's next expansion. We know what it's going...

NCsoft Q1 2020: Double YoY revenue thanks to Lineage 2M, Tencent to pub Guild Wars 2 in China

Business is booming over in NCsoft's world, though it's not because of its western holdings. In this first quarter of 2020, the South Korean...

The Daily Grind: If you had your way, what one MMO patch in history would you roll back?

Rollbacks are in the news lately, and not for great reasons - some Guild Wars 2 players did indeed lose hours of time played...
Why believe in angels?

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has many new race customizations and is considering endless Torghast runs

A new alpha build for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands means new character customization options being added, because that is the most important thing in...
It's a... you know.

Blizzard teams up with Days of Wonder for the new Small World of Warcraft board game

Sometimes board games go into odd directions. Small World of Warcraft is not "World of Warcraft but everyone is smaller," despite the name; it's a...

Perfect Ten: Actually useful World of Warcraft toys

Pretty much since its inception, World of Warcraft has made a point to include just-for-fun items that were more about personal expression and enjoyment....

ArcheAge’s Garden of the Gods expansion launches June 11 – here’s the trailer

With Gamigo clearly culling its herd of MMOs, you might be wondering who's next. Good news: It's not ArcheAge. In fact, ArcheAge is due...
So... yeah.

Fallout 76 lead devs recount the task of resetting the game with Wastelanders

We've written about how the Wastelanders expansion of Fallout 76 has shifted the game, both from the perspective of a veteran player and a...
These losers again?

Wisdom of Nym: What awaits in Final Fantasy XIV’s relic battleground?

We don't know just how long it's going to be before we're all chilling out in the battlefield for Final Fantasy XIV's next relic weapon...
Not quite a werewolf.

Darkfall: Rise of Agon writes a thank-you note to its players for its three year anniversary

It's been three years since Darkfall: Rise of Agon went live and five years since the project first saw life as DFO Returns, so...

Guild Wars 2 makes Whisper in the Dark free this week while the community creates an anthology of hopeful stories

While this free episodic stuff was brought up by us near the end of April, consider this your gentle reminder that Guild Wars 2...

Grim Dawn shows off some new Crucibles and details epic items upgrading to mythic level

With the next update to Grim Dawn leering overhead, the devs at Crate Entertainment have been eager to pull back some of the curtain...

Gaming-focused chat platform Guilded secures $7 million in funding

Yep, another chat platform is seeking to take Discord's crown, but in the case of Guilded, it's doing so with what it purports to...

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands gets a new alpha build with updated abilities and new models

A new alpha build of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has arrived, and naturally that means it's time to start datamining the heck out of...