
TennoCon 2019: Win a trip to space courtesy of Warframe’s Digital Extremes

Warframe's Space Ninjas are finally getting to space with the big Empyrean update, but what if you could? As part of the TennoCon 2019...

EverQuesting: Checking EverQuest II’s pulse, from Pride bunnies to event delays

It's been quite a while since we've had an EverQuesting. That's because it's been quite a while since we've had much to write about...
Guilty or innocent?

First impressions: Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers is beautiful, horrifying, and a crowning achievement

It was clear to me how special Shadowbringers was going to be when I saw one of the most effectively horrifying scenes I've witnessed...

Hearthstone players cry foul over card artwork changes

Some Hearthstone players are accusing Blizzard of censorship after the game's latest update, which changed the artwork on a number of older cards. Although...

Massively Overthinking: Do you even *like* MMO expansions?

This seems like an absurd question on its face, right? MMO players are supposed to like MMO expansions. They're progress. They're content. They're fresh...

Ultima Online announces Forsaken Foes update for this fall

With Forgotten Treasures live on the production servers, Broadsword is already looking ahead to the unkillable Ultima Online's next entry in its year of...
You made it sing, all right.

Into the Super-verse: A quick-and-dirty guide to picking the right City of Heroes archetype – Redside edition

The fun thing about City of Heroes is... well, there are lots of fun things. But one of the fun things is that the...
A bunny must jump.

Massively OP’s guide to Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers’ unlocks and progress

The new expansion is out! After what felt like basically a year of waiting (but was closer to six months), Final Fantasy XIV's third...

Warframe of Mind: TennoCon hype escalates with announcement of a life-size MOA pet

What would it be like to have your very own Warframe MOA pet? I certainly want one! I'll get a taste of that this...
Not this.

EverQuest and EverQuest II kick off the Summer Spectacular as time-locked expansion servers advance

The summer spectacular has arrived in EverQuest and EverQuest II. No mediocrity with summer for you, it's all the spectacular here. The events run...

Final Fantasy XIV’s Shadowbringers has officially been brought

One of the summer's major releases for MMO players officially arrives today as Final Fantasy XIV's Shadowbringers formally launches out of headstart and into the...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs allow players to alter how other characters appear in their client?

Yesterday, PC Gamer posted a positively scathing article about Mordhau, the online knights-and-castles action ARPG. While the overall article is about the game's (and...

Massively Uplifting: Charity comes in many forms for Bethesda, Square Enix, and Digital Extremes

Summer smiles -- get 'em while they're hot! If you are looking for a way to make your mood rise like the temperature, we've...
Bart, stop creating a diversion!

Hearthstone announces Saviors of Uldum for August 6

Blizzard has just unveiled Hearthstone's next big thing: It's called Saviors of Uldum, it picks up where Rise of Shadows and The Dalaran Heist...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers made early access a luxury

First and foremost, I want to note that this is not going to be my official first impressions of Shadowbringers because that's going to be...

SWTOR’s Warriors and Marauders won’t Sith out this expansion

The upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic class options coming in this fall's Onslaught expansion have penetrated even the deep mysteries of the Sith....

EVE Evolved: NPC invasions wreak havoc across EVE Online

When CCP Games released a new EVE Online expansion named Invasion at the end of last month, players were readying themselves to battle limited...

Elder Scrolls Online swaps midyear events over game performance, Elder Scrolls Legends launches Moons of Elsweyr

Traditionally, as we approach the middle of the year, Elder Scrolls Online pushes out the Midyear Mayhem PvP event. But you might have noticed...
Surprised? Really?

WoW Factor: Three thoughts on the latest WoW Classic stress test

It's hard to find a whole lot to say about World of Warcraft: Classic at this point. Not in a bad sense, mind you;...

Massively Overthinking: Always be achievin’ (in MMOs)

A while back, my husband and I were idly chatting about MMO achievements. Neither one of us is much of an achievement hunter, or...