
Money dollars.

World of Warcraft offers a guided tour of the Zandalari capital, Zuldazar

The Zandalari trolls are allied with the Horde in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, but their society has long endured without outside interference....
No, this isn't quite the right place.

Final Fantasy XI welcomes back old veterans and new players this summer

Have you never tried Final Fantasy XI but always wanted to? Have you tried it before and want to catch back up? Good news,...

EVE Evolved: Getting ready for EVE Online’s Abyssal revolution

If you've seen the news recently coming out of EVE Fanfest 2018, you've probably heard of EVE Online's upcoming expansion: Into the Abyss. Pockets...

World of Warcraft previews two expansion races, nixes Strand of the Ancients battleground

Feeling a little primal and savage? You'll be able to tap into that nature by rolling up one of the new Mag'har Orcs or...

The Daily Grind: What has been the best MMO expansion or update of 2018 so far?

We are about to put four months of 2018 in the can, and during that time there has been quite a lot of movement...
Bye Felicia

Elite: Dangerous is discontinuing support for the Mac [Updated]

We're sorry to inform fans of Elite: Dangerous on Apple computers that they're soon going to be forced to choose between the platform and...

Otherland strives to regain players with hard work, more communication, and robust content additions

It's no secret that Otherland, the MMO based on Tad Williams' popular sci-fi series, has had an extremely rough go of it through development...
too lorg

What to expect from Elder Scrolls Online’s upcoming daily reward system

There are plenty of juicy new features coming to The Elder Scrolls Online with its next big update other than just the Summerset expansion....

Enter to win a Neverwinter painted spider mount on Xbox One and PS4 from PWE and MOP!

To celebrate the arrival of the Lost City of Omu expansion for Neverwinter on console this week, PWE has granted Massively OP 20 Painted Spider mount keys to give...
Don't call it a comeback.

WoW Factor: Things that actually worry me about Battle for Azeroth

The Battle for Azeroth beta is here, at long last, and it feels like it might have come a little early in the process....
But now, it's more money.

Lord of the Rings Online takes a step forward in lockbox transparency

Ever since Standing Stone Games started ramping up the prominence of Lord of the Rings Online's lockboxes following last year's Mordor expansion, the microtransactions...

Tamriel Infinium: First impressions of Elder Scrolls Online’s Summerset (mostly without spoilers!)

Over the years, I suspect I've made it well known what I find most important in my Elder Scrolls Online gameplay. I enjoy the...

Enter to win a Star Trek Online Deep Space Nine starship on PC from PWE and MOP

Are you hyped for Deep Space Nine in Star Trek Online? Victory is Life is hitting PC in June, complete with a journey to the...

World of Warcraft starts beta testing Battle for Azeroth

Can you beta test a battle? Don't see why not. Just ask everyone to attack very, very carefully and memorize where their starting positions...

Destiny 2 is about to unveil its Warmind DLC

The second DLC expansion for Destiny 2 is arriving early next month -- but players can get all of the details on it today. Bungie...
gotta go to space

Star Trek Online accidentally previews its Personal Endeavor system for Victory is Life, players unearth quadrant map

Who likes having new goals to achieve on a daily basis? Because that's what you're getting in the next Star Trek Online expansion, even...
And now, the next chapter.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s next patch reveals our future story

The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV is something we should all watch closely. Because it's going to tell us plenty about where we're...

The Survivalist: Four hopes for the future of ARK Survival Evolved

As we explored last week, game development isn't always an upward trajectory. Some things soar, and some things crash. Our last Survivalist conversation was about...

One Shots: Tour guides

It turns out that MMORPG players really don't need much prompting to go out and take a bazillion screenshots of their favorite in-game zones,...

EVE Online gives love to planetary interaction, looks back at an all-female pirate gang

Creating and maintaining planetary colonies in EVE Online isn't exactly new, as the system dates back to 2010. But the developers have deemed it...