fallout 76

Loack? Lode?

Bethesda’s Todd Howard on why crossplay and cross-progression may not happen for Fallout 76

With interest in Fallout 76 seeing a new high thanks to the just-released TV series, the question of whether the multiplayer title will allow...

The Daily Grind: Do you avoid base-building in survival MMOs?

Listening to some of the recent development chatter surrounding Funcom's Dune Awakening, I was reminded that this survival MMO had bases -- ones which...
This waste was made by you and me.

Fallout 76’s population spikes to one million players in one day thanks to the TV series

The Fallout franchise really is taking the world by storm this month, largely thanks to the super-successful Amazon Prime series (which already has been...

Fallout 76 begins the first phase of public testing for its Skyline Valley update

What does a nuclear apocalypse do to a place like Shenandoah National Park? Fallout 76 players are now able to find out -- at...

Fallout 76 kicks off free-play week in celebration of the Fallout TV show’s launch

Bethsoft knows how to work some transmedia synergy: It's running a bunch of Fallout 76 promos in conjunction with the premiere of the Fallout...

Fallout 76 reruns the Mothman event and offers a level 20 loadout guide

The Mothman cometh once again to the wasteland of Fallout 76. It's time yet again for the Mothman Equinox event, which lets players help...

Fallout 76 launches America’s Playground update and Season 16 Duel with the Devil

Had your fill of Atlantic City in Fallout 76? Too bad! You're going back, and in fact, you're going back right the heck now,...

Perfect Ten: MMOs with live-action media tie-ins

Every so often I think to myself that a video game should get some kind of media adaptation before I come to my senses....

Vague Patch Notes: Sort your own MMO community, guy

One of the things I note is that every so often - not all the time, but every so often - something will just...

The Fallout TV show is finally airing on April 11 – here’s the brand-new trailer!

Would you believe we've been talking about the Fallout TV show for almost four years? Yep! Announced back in 2020 and funded through Amazon,...
Come on, my dudes.

Perfect Ten: Why MMOs should never ditch text chat

If you ever want to feel what an MMO is like without any sort of text chat, then spend a stretch of time in...

Fallout 76 opens the PTS for Atlantic City America’s Playground as Burning Love begins today

Fallout 76 is generally not the game I would've picked to rush Valentine's Day, but here we are: In Bethsoft's latest Inside the Vault,...

Fallout 76 is heading to Shenandoah National Park in 2024

Even as Fallout 76 struts down the boardwalk of its December Atlantic City DLC, the team at Bethesda has its sights set on something...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 448: The holiday MMO rush begins

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Classic's Season of Discovery, EverQuest II's Ballads of Zimara, SWTOR's Chains in the Dark, ArcheAge's big Unchained merge, and Wagadu Chronicles' early access, with adventures in LOTRO and Project Gorgon, plus 2023 awards teases and a mailbag topic on getting into MMOs with too much content.
Investigations are ongoing.

Fallout 76’s Atlantic City Boardwalk Paradise is live with two new expeditions

Fallout 76 is betting that you'll be back for Atlantic City Boardwalk Paradise, which is officially live today to send you to the Jersey...

Massively Overthinking: Penalties for failure in MMORPGs (beyond death)

MMOs generally have one big obvious penalty for failure, right? You die. Oh, usually not forever, not unless it's some niche hardcore realm, and...

Fallout TV series creators talk about its characters, story, and attempts to hit a ‘mordant comedy’ tone

Fans of the Fallout franchise with an eye on Amazon Prime’s upcoming TV series have thus far dug up information about only the cast,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 447: MMO hackers, headstarts, and proliferations

Justin and Bree discuss the hackings of Ethyrial and Fractured, Palia's beta update, City of Titan's test launch, World of Warcraft's paid expansion headstart, and Guild Wars 2's weapon proliferation beta, with adventures in Project Gorgon, LOTRO, Fallout 76, and WoW.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 445: Rally for Project Gorgon

Justin and Bree discuss Project Gorgon's community, Wayfinder's layoffs, LOTRO's Corsairs of Umbar, WoW's Guardians of the Dream, and Guild Wars 2's Through the Veil, with adventures in WoW, Fallout 76, LOTRO, and Project Goron, plus a mailbag topic on why more MMOs don't use contemporary real-world settings.

The MOP Up: Fallout 76 turns five years old

Fallout 76 is celebrating its fifth anniversary loud and proud this week with a birthday party on Tuesday, a special challenge event, and a...