
Citizen science for the win: How EVE Online’s playerbase contributed to Human Project Atlas research

Over the last several years, CCP Games has teamed up with different science organizations and put EVE Online players to work with in-game activities...

Guild Wars 2: New systems team, outfit vouchers, PvP updates, Revenant overhaul, and anniversary sales

One of my big grumps with Guild Wars 2 and plenty of other MMORPG cash shops is the time-limited items. The stuff I want...

EverQuesting: The history of the EverQuest franchise

Back in 2013, I took a walk through the annals of the EverQuest franchise's history. What started as one title not only blossomed into...

A fluffy casual’s starting perspective on World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

Let me tell you a bit about me and how I play MMORPGs. Between two jobs and a family, my gaming time is relegated...

The MOP Up: Worlds Adrift makes room for PvE servers (August 12, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Hands-on with mobile Old School Runescape, plus a chat with the Jagex devs

I experienced a couple firsts recently that you may not have expected from me, and they can both be summed up in two words:...

Chronicles of Elyria on character family influences and playable instruments

The latest production update from Chronicles of Elyria is going to make those of you who are super into detailed and meaningful character creation...

Massively on the Go’s guide to returning to Pokemon Go: Focus on community

I've noticed a bit of a renewal for Pokemon Go thanks to large improvements by Niantic starting with Generation 3. With raids, quests, real-world weather affecting...

Tabloid muckracking, moral panic, and the mainstream media’s fuss over Fortnite coaching

With every huge online game, there's an accompanying rush of mainstream fuss over it - it's in the rules. For example, Polygon has a piece...

Global Chat: The ‘We Don’t Play World of Warcraft’ Club

What do you do when you don't play World of Warcraft but everyone else all around you does and won't stop talking about it...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about themed MMORPG guilds?

Kotaku did a recent piece on "girls only" Overwatch groups that got me thinking about themed guilds. (As it turned out, the writer found...

Black Desert finally answers the eternal MMORPG question: Who does laundry in this gameworld?

So who washes all the clothes your toons wear in MMORPGs? This is a topic that needs to be explored... in some other article....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 179: MMO parenting fails

Justin and Bree discuss Star Wars Galaxies Legends, World of Warcraft, Elite Dangerous, LOTRO's Weatherstock, Trion's layoffs, No Man's Sky's multiplayer, DDO, and Wizard 101 updates, with mailbag entries on how to start an MMO blog and spooky stuff in Guild Wars 2.

Wizard101’s main city gets a magical makeover

When you've got magic on your side, renovation on a grand scale should be a snap, right? It was probably a little more difficult...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s beast tribes ranked, the top ranks

The fun thing about ranking the beast tribes of Final Fantasy XIV is that before I started in on this, I actually had no...

Exploring Pokemon Go’s real-life communities: MOP staffers revisit the game from opposite corners of the world

It's year two of Pokemon Go. While there's always room for improvement, enough has changed that I feel comfortable recommending the game to at...

Battle Bards Episode 124: Old MMOs, new music

It’s a catch-all, catch-up episode for the Battle Bards as they dig through new soundtrack releases from MMORPGs that they’ve covered in the past!...

World of Warcraft’s communities will bring players closer together than ever before (unless they’re in different factions)

The common consensus in the World of Warcraft community is that Patch 8.0 -- the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch -- is due to arrive...

Interview: ArtCraft’s J. Todd Coleman on prepping Crowfall’s Artisan Engine for the broader industry

Yesterday, Crowfall studio ArtCraft announced it was spinning off a brand-new company dubbed ArtCraft Technologies that would basically turn Crowfall's engine into a marketable...

Pokemon Go’s second anniversary report card sees high marks for content and innovation

Today is Pokemon Go's second-year anniversary. Last year's report card had to grapple with things like the game's rapid rise and fall as a fad,...