Meet survival sandbox Miscreated and its 2018 plans
Have you heard of Miscreated? If not and you are a fan of the survival genre, you might want to add it to your...
World of Warcraft confirms that raid boss health bump is a mistake and being fixed
It was sort of a smack in the face to go to old raids in World of Warcraft yesterday. Not in the slap-in-the-face disrespectful...
World of Warcraft patch 7.3.5 is live in the wild after extended downtime
Some patches just don't go down smoothly. World of Warcraft wound up extending its patch time for patch 7.3.5. pretty thoroughly yesterday, with the...
Global Chat: Love the farm, hate the farm
How do you feel about grinding in MMOs? What about farming? These questions can elicit a wide variety of answers, from shrieks of dismay...
Perfect Ten: 20 multiplayer games to watch in 2018
A couple of weeks ago I covered 20(ish) MMORPGs that we are looking forward to seeing develop, test, and launch in 2018. But as...
Citadel Forged With Fire is adding a full-fledged farming system next year
Early access MMO Citadel Forged With Fire has a fun teaser for 2018 up on Steam this week for all you secret hobbits: The...
Black Desert’s version of Santa is dropping Christmas trees and t-bone steaks
Black Desert is pretty much synonymous with wacky events, so it'll come as no surprise at all that Kakao has gotten into the spirit...
Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the best value at the start of 2018
Let's talk about value. A couple of weeks back, I did an article on the healthiest games at the end of the year; today,...
World of Warcraft previews the Burning Throne
Next week, players can start entering the raid that closes out the first storyline ever explored in the World of Warcraft universe. The raid...
Path of Exile’s War for the Atlas expansion opens December 8
It may feel as if Path of Exile just came out with its The Fall of Oriath expansion, but that was last August. The time...
Perfect Ten: What to expect when you play World of Warcraft Classic
Are you ready to play the most anticipated MMORPG from 2004? It turns out that, yes, many of you are. The frenzy over World...
EverQuesting: Reflecting on EverQuest II’s 13th year
I am particularly fond of the number 13. And I am particularly fond of EverQuest II. So it is a happy convergence of favorites...
Global Chat: World of Warcraft BlizzCon reactions
Whether you play it now or not, chances are that your paths have crossed with World of Warcraft in the past. This is true...
Path of Exile finally sets up its own trade website
One of the few features Path of Exile has traditionally lacked is an "easy" trading feature like an auction house, and that was by...
EVE Evolved: The Agency could revolutionise casual PvE in EVE Online
Though EVE Online has a reputation as a cut-throat PvP sandbox where anything goes, the fuel that fires its conflict engine has always been...
Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars The Old Republic’s cash shop is finally on the right track
Many of you will immediately turn to the free-to-play model of Star Wars: The Old Republic and reject my even thinking about the cash...
The Black Death outlines the new profession system that starts you off as a plague doctor
There are no medical exams to pass when you start a new character in the next patch of The Black Death. You get to...
EVE Vegas 2017: Structure warfare is about to get very cool in EVE Online
If I had to pick out one thing that EVE Online does exceptionally well, apart from the political betrayals and thefts that regularly grace the gaming...
The MOP Up: Black Desert’s Taiwan meet-and-greet (October 8, 2017)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Conan Exiles updates community on farming, PS4 development, and console/PC parity
Conan Exiles' latest community update is a great example of why excessive community updates might not really be necessary. The team spends a ton...