EVE Evolved: A massive war for revenge is brewing in EVE Online
Just over a year ago, the largest PvP conflict in gaming history kicked off in EVE Online as war erupted between the game's most prominent...
One Shots: The one where we mention Michael Bay
Warning: This column will contain GRAPHIC and EXPLICIT references to film auteur Michael Bay. You may find yourself cutting away in excitement every two...
EVE Evolved: The Agency could become a great daily reward system in EVE Online
A new event named The Agency kicked off this week in EVE Online, and it looks a bit like the daily quest systems you...
Global Chat: Learning from Master X Master
We've certainly remarked several times on Massively OP how much like an MMO Master X Master is, even though it firmly checks the "MOBA"...
Secret World Legends may be punishing groups for farming XP
Here's your public service announcement for Secret World Legends: You may want to avoid grouping up to farm mobs and XP on the map,...
Monetization expert: MMOs are dying because of clueless design, not insufficient demand
MMORPG players just love it when somebody declares the MMORPG dead, right? All those games you're playing, all the games we're writing about and...
EVE Evolved: Does EVE Online need more conflict-drivers?
Of all the terminology associated with EVE Online, the one thing that's always made me a bit uncomfortable is to hear players describe PvP as "generating...
How I got married through World of Warcraft
I've mentioned a lot of times, in passing, how my wife and I connected in part through World of Warcraft. But I've never actually...
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is everything you expect (and that’s outstanding)
In my mind, Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is all about sticking the landing. After a few years of FFXIV being out, the game has...
What’s it like when you stop being a gold farmer in World of Warcraft?
For a very long time, selling gold in World of Warcraft was a path to making money. It was unethical and against the terms...
EVE Evolved: The controversy over EVE Online’s capital ship nerfs
EVE Online players have been up in arms this week over sweeping nerfs that are about to hit to high-end farming gameplay styles in the...
The Stream Team: Living in a Pixel Worlds world
What is a social sandbox, you ask? Well MassivelyOP's MJ is going to find out! So far she knows it involves pixels: Pixel Worlds launches...
Cross-platform social sandbox MMO Pixel Worlds comes to PC next week
Tired of cutthroat guild politics, giant epaulets, and lens flare in big budget MMOs? Point your eyeballs instead at Pixel Worlds, a game Finnish...
Tamriel Infinium: A life lesson in Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind
If you start your Elder Scrolls Online character in the Ebonheart Pact, then you run into the Ashlanders almost as soon as you step off...
EVE Evolved: War declarations need revamped for the citadel era
It's a universally accepted fact in EVE Online that you're never truly safe from attack. Low-security space is littered with pirates looking for an...
Ashes of Creation will let you step into the shoes of a flesh-rending monster
If all of Ashes of Creation's ambitious claims come to life in the finished product, then it does't seem like players will wont for...
Massively Overthinking: Being Uncle Owen in MMORPGs
Ever since the tone-deaf SOE proclamation that nobody wanted to play Uncle Owen in an MMORPG, contrary me has consciously fought that very stupid...
Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward in review – the trials
At a preliminary glance, I think we've got about three more weeks of this particular feature, including this column. That sounds like a lot,...
Conan Exiles moves to biweekly patch cadence, reshuffles development priorities
You might have noticed there was no Conan Exiles patch this week. That was intentional. Funcom says it hasn't been happy with the quality of its...
EVE Evolved: Low-security space has lost its identity, but it can be fixed!
When I first discovered EVE Online back in 2004, it had been out in the wild for just under a year and was a much...