See: Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XI’s February update brings substantial improvements to Red Mage
It's been a long time since Final Fantasy XI made Red Mages happy. The job has languished for a long while with most of its...
Jukebox Heroes: The Final Fantasy XIV soundtrack that disappeared
First there was the initial release of Final Fantasy XIV. Everyone generally agreed that this was a bad idea, and so it was sent...
The MOP Up: FFXIV tickles the ivories
One of the best (of many) features in Final Fantasy XIV is its amazing soundtrack. And just when you think you've heard it all,...
Final Fantasy XI rolls out the Spring Alter Ego Expo on February 1
If you think about it a little, the trusts in Final Fantasy XI are a bit like the eponymous pokemon. They fight alongside you and...
The MOP Up: Star Trek Online’s Battle at the Binary Stars heats up
Star Trek Online has a serious crush on Discovery right now -- and why not, since the show has propeled the franchise back into...
Final Fantasy XI’s latest version update brings some very minor changes for Dragoon and Dancer
The developers behind the very reliably updated Final Fantasy XI talked a great deal about how this month's version update would bring balance changes for...
Massively Overthinking: Our MMO resolutions for 2019
This week, for our first Massively Overthinking of 2019, I’ve asked the Massively OP writers to share their gaming resolutions or their basic MMO goals for the year. Won't you join us?
Final Fantasy XI prepares for the new year with a new version update and a promotional campaign
The new year approaches for Final Fantasy XI, and with it approaches another monthly update for the game. This is the first in what...
Choose My Adventure: Summarizing our MMO adventures in 2018
Sometimes I wonder how people think things work behind the scenes here at Massively Overpowered, so let me give a little peek behind the...
The MOP Up: Echo of Soul returns
Korean MMO Echo of Soul is now back on Steam early access after the title was shut down back around 2015 and 2016. It's...
The MOP Up: TERA’s Valkyrie goes to console while Vainglory comes to PC
No matter what platform you're on, there's good stuff coming your way! TERA's Valkyrie update is finally making the jump to Xbox One and...
Final Fantasy XI is giving a lot of jobs a patch of power for the holidays
The Starlight Celebration is heading to Final Fantasy XI as it does every year, but players are getting a different sort of present with the...
Massively OP’s guide to MMO Thanksgiving 2018
Unlike with Halloween and Christmas, it seems like MMORPG developers never quite know what to do with the Thanksgiving holiday. Vastly fewer games celebrate...
Vague Patch Notes: When World of Warcraft breaks off your friendship
I spent a bunch of time post-BlizzCon thinking about why World of Warcraft personally bothered me. Not why its design pitfalls bothered me; that's...
The MOP Up: Pagan Online slams ARPGs and MOBAs together
Tack this on your list of action-RPGs to watch. Mad Head Games announced that it is developing a blend of ARPG and MOBA with...
Final Fantasy XI wants you to catch up in November
You may not be caught up to all of the leveling you can do in Final Fantasy XI, but let's be fair, there are...
Final Fantasy XI prepares for the spooktacular Harvest Festival
So, how do you manage to make things feel spooky in a game like Final Fantasy XI when you have an entire expansion about...
The MOP Up: Dark Age of Camelot allows name, gender, and race changes
Dark Age of Camelot is testing its next major patch, and it has a major surprise in store for its playerbase.
"Patch 1.125 is chock...
Perfect Ten: Ten MMO systems that encourage alts
Here's how much I like having alts: I have alts in Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI. Two games which are built on...
Wisdom of Nym: What can datamining tell us about the next Final Fantasy XIV job?
The datamining for Final Fantasy XIV is difficult, because the game is remarkably spare when it comes to pointers for the future. Most datamining...