final fantasy


Final Fantasy XI, an MMORPG released in 2002
Final Fantasy XIV, an MMORPG released in 2010 and re-released in 2013
Final Fantasy series, a series of video games that began in 1987

Back up.

Wisdom of Nym: Rewards in Final Fantasy XIV and what they’re worth

I saw someone asking the other day what the "point" was to the Doman Reconstruction effort in Final Fantasy XIV. What's the big reward?...

The MOP Up: Dark Age of Camelot allows name, gender, and race changes

Dark Age of Camelot is testing its next major patch, and it has a major surprise in store for its playerbase. "Patch 1.125 is chock...

Final Fantasy XIV prepares for this year’s ghostly All Saints’ Wake

It's time to get thoroughly spooked out in Final Fantasy XIV as All Saints' Wake returns once again. This year is even more spooky...
I'm not back on any BS, I never left it.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMO systems that encourage alts

Here's how much I like having alts: I have alts in Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI. Two games which are built on...
It's a boss, and it is deadly.

Final Fantasy XIV is weathering intermittent DDOS attacks

Ah, the DDOS attack, a time-honored way of making a large number of players upset simply because someone can. Final Fantasy XIV has been...
Forty-six & 2

Wisdom of Nym: What can datamining tell us about the next Final Fantasy XIV job?

The datamining for Final Fantasy XIV is difficult, because the game is remarkably spare when it comes to pointers for the future. Most datamining...
No, this isn't quite the right place.

Final Fantasy XI’s October update finally addresses Besieged issues

The launch of Final Fantasy XI's third expansion, Treasures of Aht Urhgan, took place in 2006. Part of the launch was the inclusion of...
Well, we got something right!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s leaks and the seduction of partial information

I'm going to start off with a statement that should be fairly uncontroversial but could be otherwise and refer back to it: At this...
Let's put things back together.

Final Fantasy XIV shares some fifth anniversary infographics

After five years of operation there are lots of numbers to know about Final Fantasy XIV. Long-time players already know several numbers, like item...
Dead in the water.

Vague Patch Notes: World of Warcraft, math, and making choices ‘interesting’ in MMOs

So if you somehow managed to miss it, let me recap: World of Warcraft's community manager Lore recently gave some feedback on the many complaints...

Perfect Ten: The big book of MMORPG death mechanics

Video games will kill your characters. It's inevitable. I still faintly remember my younger brother's first video game death, when he ran full-tilt into...
A shameful spread of riches.

Wisdom of Nym: Examining Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 4.4, Prelude in Violet

I mentioned a few days ago that I follow the same somewhat ridiculous process every time there's a new Final Fantasy XIV patch. Every...
I'm important!

Vague Patch Notes: Trickle-down metagames in MMORPGs

A while back, there was an interesting set of data coming out of a discussion about Overwatch. The discussion was about the concept of...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPG, living or dead, offers the all-time best crafting experience?

Over the last couple of weeks, when I was putting in sometimes 18-hour days working on the site, I didn't really have much time...

Interview: Bless Online on early access, pay-to-win, and its western refuge on Steam

Last night's bombshell that Bless Online is closing down its final Korean servers, leaving the game's Steam version in the west as the only...
It's a boss, and it is deadly.

Final Fantasy XIV offers a UI guide and opens up its roleplaying server

It wasn't a feature of the game's most recent patch, but Final Fantasy XIV did something almost inconceivable yesterday: It opened up Balmung for...
The man with the scars.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Prelude in Violet is live today

It's time to explore the wreckage left after the most recent bit of Final Fantasy XIV's story with the latest patch because the new...
Sing a song of madness.

Wisdom of Nym: Picking apart Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 4.4 notes

Now we enter the descending period of Stormblood. This isn't exactly a bad thing or a problem or anything; it's just the way things...
Sorry, guy.

Vague Patch Notes: WildStar deserves its shutdown, even though we loved it

Last week, when we heard that WildStar was being shut down, I penned a truthful, heartfelt eulogy for the game as it could've been....
Litany of lineups.

Final Fantasy XIV reveals its patch notes for Prelude in Violet

Yes, the patch note day is here for Final Fantasy XIV! You're still going to need to wait for four more days before the...