Official Site: Firefall
Studio: Red 5 Studios
Launch Date: July 9, 2013
Genre: Sci-Fi shooter
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
MMO Year in Review: Landmark is wiped off the map (January 2017)
December's many article roundups and awards always remind us that it's hard to remember what happened last month, let alone what happened way back...
The Daily Grind: Did Marvel Heroes just get the worst-managed MMORPG sunset of all time?
If you happened to catch the Massively OP Podcast this week, you heard my positively livid rant about the whole Marvel Heroes situation. Now,...
Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO stories of 2017
One thing you can say for the MMO industry: It never ceases to surprise all of us. No matter what predictions we may make...
Perfect Ten: The 10 saddest MMORPG stories
Every MMO tells a story through the run of its life. A lot of those stories are pretty happy, too. Ultima Online may not...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 126: Firefall gets extinguished
Justin and Bree discuss Firefall's sunset, WoW's datamining, Wild West Online, Secret World Legends, Tibia, and Warframe, plus a mailbag question on how MMOs could ditch pure DPS roles.
Firefall fans lock up the subreddit and turn out the lights
Firefall fans can cross their fingers hoping for the promised mobile edition, but we wouldn't put too much stock in waiting for it. In...
One Shots: R.I.P. Firefall
Do not go gentle into that good night forever,
Old MMOs should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the...
Firefall will officially sunset tomorrow
Did our article yesterday on MMOs in limbo knock one loose? Probably not, but one of them is sunsetting all the same: Firefall. Late last...
Perfect Ten: MMOs in limbo
The one thing that I thought we could all count on forever was that the MMO life cycle was pretty easy to understand. A...
Em-8ER funds on Indiegogo and adds new stretch goals
If you were worried that Mark Kern's Em-8ER (properly pronounced "eem-eight-er" for those willing to die upon snarky hills) wouldn't fund on its latest...
One Shots: Action arrested
In tossing out a screenshot challenge last week revolving around combat action shots, you'd think that this would be a piece of cake. After...
Mark Kern’s Em-8ER on omniframe classes, THMPR animations
Mark Kern's crowdfunded MMO-shooter Em-8ER has a slew of new videos out this week featuring animations for the THMPR, finishing off the mech's "basic...
The Soapbox: What the Mass Effect Andromeda kerfuffle ought to teach us about games criticism
Today is the official release of Mass Effect: Andromeda, which was preceded by the frankly baffling decision to allow people access to an early...
Mark Kern’s Em-8er lore combines Nazis, ghosts, and terraforming
"Welcome to the world of Ember, or as star charts designate it, Em-8ER ('E-M-Eight-E-R')," says a new dev blog from Mark Kern's Em-8ER MMO...
Mark Kern offers Em-8ER credit to Firefall players and founders
If you're a former Firefall player -- or a current one, since technically it's still alive -- and you are looking forward to Mark...
Mark Kern’s Em-8ER posts a new THMPR modeling video
Em-8ER, the Mark Kern-led "massive planetary wargame" shooter formerly known as (and still pronounced like) Ember, has a new video out today showing off...
Firefall: The dead game that won’t die
2016 was not Firefall's year.
I'm not sure which year was its year, honestly, what with the e-sports bus fiasco and suspension of PvP and former CEO Mark...
Perfect Ten: Biggest MMORPG surprises of 2016
Back at the beginning of December, I posted a list of what I considered to be the biggest MMORPG stories of 2016. However, there...
MMO Year in Review: Pokemon madness (July 2016)
This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we...
MMO Year in Review: Blade & Soul reaches western shores (January 2016)
December's many article roundups and awards always remind us that it's hard to remember what happened last month, let alone what happened way back...