
Official Site: Fortnite
Studio: Epic Games
Launch Date: July 25, 2017
Genre: Battle royale survival shooter
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, mobile, console

Fortnite’s latest patch adds Xbox One X support, preps custom matchmaking

This week's Fortnite update spreads love around for both the freebie battle royale mode and the paid PvE mode and now supports Xbox One...

Superdata’s October 2017 revenue report: Destiny 2’s and PUBG’s dominance

Destiny 2 may be fudging up left and right, but it still sold a truckton of copies. That's according to Superdata, whose most recent revenue...

Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO stories of 2017

One thing you can say for the MMO industry: It never ceases to surprise all of us. No matter what predictions we may make...
BANNED, you're all BANNED.

Mother of Fortnite cheater claims that her 14-year-old son is being used as a scapegoat

Last month, Fortnite developer Epic sued two alleged associates of a cheating software site as part of the studio's hard-line approach to cheaters. Makes...
It thirsts.

Betawatch: Moonlight Blade is defying gravity (November 24, 2017)

For those of us in this part of the world, this has been a quiet week of little news, because, well... Thanksgiving. (That is,...

Warface jumps on the battle royale bandwagon

With the insane popularity of Fortnite and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds this year, it was inevitable that other titles would rush to copy the battle royale...

Fortnite plans to flesh out its PvE mode in December and January

I'm gonna be honest: When I saw the subheader "The future of Save the World" in the latest Fortnite dev blog, I expected what...

Fortnite’s latest patch adds launch pads and shotguns

The newest patch for Fortnite is adding a new type of trap that doesn't really feel like much of a trap. The launch pad...

Fortnite racks up 20 million players like a boss

With the millions of players flooding into Fortnite, the zombies don't stand a chance. Heck, they're probably an endangered species. Less than a month after...

The Stream Team: A final foray into Fortnite’s Fortnitemares

Last time, Massively OP's MJ was only able to check out a couple of the Halloween quests in Fortnite's Hexsylvania. Now, she's diving back...

Fortnite’s patch today adds mute to voice chat and boosts quest item drop frequency

Fortnite's smallish 1.8.1 update is live today, and probably the most important addition is actually something that helps you delete things from the game:...

Fortnite devs focus on performance issues following 811K weekend concurrency

If you struggled to play Fortnite this weekend, you're not alone, and Epic Games is on the case. "The Battle Bus had 811K concurrent...

The Stream Team: Delving into Fortnite’s fortnitemares

Zombies are particularly perfect this time of year, but Fortnite ups its Halloween game with a whole new zone, Hexsylvania. Massively OP's MJ is...
Community organization is painful.

Halloween events across the MMORPG verse, 2017 edition

Hey, you. Yeah, you, dude leeching candy from the bucket you bought "for the neighborhood kids." And you, lady still trying to decide between...

The doors to Hexsylvania creak open in Fortnite

There's one more haunted house to conquer in online gaming -- and this one may end you once and for all. Fortnite announced the beginning...
Big help.

Overwatch dings up to 35M players ahead of quarterly financial report

Blizzard just announced that it's just counted 35 million Overwatch players - not too shabby for a buy-to-play team shooter that started out by...

Fortnite teases Halloween event, lists development projects in the works

The development train for Fortnite isn't slowing down, with the studio posting a long list of projects that its teams are currently tackling. For...

Fortnite patches battle royale, adds BattlEye anti-cheat measures, and sues cheaters

Are you one of the 10M people who've dipped into Fortnite's battle royal mode? Or perhaps one of the 500K who played concurrently this...

Fortnite’s infographic claims 10 million battle royale players within the last fortnite

Remember a few days back when Fortnite broke half a million concurrent players with its contentious free-to-play battle royal mode, the one that earned...
BANNED, you're all BANNED.

Fortnite deals with cheat detection false positives, breaks half a million concurrent players

Cheating is bad in online games; we can all agree on that. Having anti-cheat software usually raises some questions back and forth, but the...