free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

EVE Fanfest 2016: Full cross-platform play is planned for EVE: Valkyrie

EVE: Valkyrie will eventually be playable fully cross-platform, according to a presentation given today during EVE Fanfest 2016. The game has already launched on the...

Jukebox Heroes: Six cover songs of popular MMO tunes

There's a dedicated subcommunity of video game music afficionados out there that love these soundtracks so much that they devote considerable effort to producing...
I did not get a handle on my fixation with robots.

MechWarrior Online rolls out the next stage of its faction gameplay

If you've played the tabletop games that MechWarrior Online is based upon, you know that factions and allegiances are a big part of those...

Perfect World International lands on Steam with new player housing system

Perfect World is intent this week on rolling out the remainder of its MMORPG catalogue to Steam. Earlier this year, we saw Swordsman take...
There has to be money here somewhere.

League of Legends rolls out magical changes in the mid-season

The mages of League of Legends have never stopped being relevant to the game, but over time they have suffered from a lack of...

Bless Online AMA gets all of the questions, has few answers to give

Those anticipating the arrival of Bless Online in the west are still coming to grips with the news that the game will be published...

Tree of Savior hikes prices, delays F2P launch following exploitative token arbitrage

We've got a bit more clarity today on the financial impact of Tree of Savior's recent wave of bot and exploiter bannings and the...
Could mean anything.

Marvel Heroes treks to Asia, new platforms this summer

Gazillion announced this morning that it's partnering with cloud-streaming service Ubitus to launch Marvel Heroes in South Korea and Japan this summer with China...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why SWTOR gamers are so stoked for the return of Vette

The first two chapters of Knights of the Fallen Empire after the break kind of left the Star Wars: The Old Republic fanbase feeling...

The Stream Team: Battling for bags and blades in EverQuest II’s Heritage Quests

Hie ho, hie ho, off to Heritage Questing we go! MassivelyOP's MJ and the gang have been going through all of EverQuest II's HQs...

Battle Bards Episode 73: Spooky & Magical II

By popular demand -- which you should read as "Syl's imperial fiat" -- the Battle Bards podcast is returning to the fertile musical landscape of...

Mu Legend wants to satisfy your ARPG cravings

Has Mu Legend grabbed your attention yet? This action-RPG has been in development since 2011 and is on the cusp of closed beta testing...

BioWare says ‘SWTOR is absolutely being supported into the future’

BioWare Producer Ben Irving has a new letter out for Star Wars: The Old Republic players reassuring them of BioWare's committment to the game....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 61: Update-o-rama!

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Legion, Ascent, Guild Wars 2, Star Trek Online, RIFT, and LOTRO, plus mailbag questions on The Secret World and WoW killers.

Snag a Perfect World International Dream Chaser booster and mount from PWE and MOP

In honor of the launch of Perfect World International's Elysium expansion, PWE has granted us 1000 keys for a sweet Dream Chaser booster pack that...
Well all right, then.

HEX is now available on Steam

If you are already playing HEX, you probably don't personally need the option to pick it up on Steam, but it works out for...
Perhaps like this, but with pants for ladies?

TERA brings back the Abscess for a limited-time event

Do you want to venture into a dungeon called "The Abscess?" Of course you do not. That sounds disgusting. Your life would be objectively...
Of course, then you get reminded about the setting.

Neverwinter arrives on the Windows Store for Windows 10

Those who have already upgraded to Windows 10 have been dealing with the usual issues of a new operating system and associated irritations, including...

RuneScape releases greatly improved NXT game client

RuneScape has come a long, long way from its days of being a crude assembly of jagged polygons. While the title got a nice visual...

PWE’s wuxia MMORPG Swordsman is getting a new expansion called Lone Wanderer

Perfect World Entertainment has just announced a brand-new expansion for Swordsman, its 2014 MMORPG based on the wuxia novels of Louis Cha. Called Lone...