Elite Dangerous tunes up its Engineers beta
Elite Dangerous just updated its 2.1 beta with an absolute raft of changes and improvements. While there isn't any single tentpole addition to the...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 64: To boldly return
Justin and Bree discuss Star Trek Online, Chronicles of Elyria, Marvel Heroes, WildStar, TERA, and LOTRO, plus a mailbag question on metacritic for MMOs.
How you dress in Star Citizen affects the galaxy around you
Cloud Imperium's Adam Weiser and Omar Aweidah have the bridge of this week's Star Citizen 10 for the Developers episode as they answer... 10...
Elite: Dangerous launches Engineers update beta
Elite: Dangerous' 1.6 and Engineers 2.1 update have finally arrived... in beta, that is.
Frontier Head of Community Zac Antonaci posted the patch notes to...
Star Trek Online announces its third expansion: Agents of Yesterday
Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starships named Enterprise. Their continuing missions have been to explore strange new worlds, to...
Elite: Dangerous is pushing the Engineers beta out on May 5th
Eagerly awaiting the next update to Elite: Dangerous? It's been pushed back a fair bit, but it has been confirmed that the next update...
Elite: Dangerous features in a new Oculus Rift trailer
A new Oculus trailer this week is intent on reminding everyone that Elite: Dangerous is indeed available on the Oculus Rift VR platform.
"Frontier was...
Elite: Dangerous expounds on engineers and ship modifications
The latest edition of Elite: Dangerous' newsletter is out, and it shines a spotlight on the engineers. A special type of NPC, the engineers...
Elite: Dangerous plans Q2 Horizons and Engineers rollout for Xbox One
Frontier Developments announced today that Elite: Dangerous' Horizons season/expansion catch-up patch is on the way for Xbox One this quarter -- including the 2.0...
Elite’s latest patch fixes many Xbox issues, introduces Arena
While both the PC and Xbox One versions of Elite: Dangerous are getting a patch today, the one on the console is much meatier....
Elite Dangerous works on experimental mods, traffic control, and better mission system
Never let it be said that Elite Dangerous isn't an ambitious title. Right now, Frontier has projects going on to benefit three versions of...
Elite: Dangerous’ Engineers tweaks starports, map filtering, and POIs
As promised, Frontier has published the first of its Elite: Dangerous Countdown to Beta newsletters, each intended to flesh out its plans for the Engineers...
The beta for Elite: Dangerous’ long-awaited Engineers update arrives in May
Frontier has just announced the beta for Elite: Dangerous 2.1, better known as The Engineers, will open for beta access players the week of...
Firefall may be heading to virtual reality
Could virtual reality take Firefall to the next frontier? Players are speculating madly following after seeing a Red 5 Studios job notice advertising for...
William Shatner lends voice to Elite: Dangerous addon
HCS VoicePacks, a website that sells Elite: Dangeous voice addons in collaboration with Frontier, will soon have a new one from Star Trek actor...
Elite: Dangerous launches Oculus Rift VR support on March 28
Remember back in January when Eurogamer reported that Elite: Dangerous was dropping its long-planned support for the Oculus Rift in favor of SteamVR even...
EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II leveling zones
One of the reasons new players find it so difficult to get into older games is because there is so much to do that...
Elite: Dangerous delays full Horizons, Engineers launch ‘to push the quality up’
Financial documents released by Frontier yesterday were scooped up by eagle-eyed Redditors because they frame a revenue shift against a delay in the full and final release...
Elite Dangerous contemplates allowing players to name star systems
It's one thing to make a great cosmic discovery that puts you in the history books. But wouldn't you like to name that star,...
52-player fleet documents potentially record-setting Elite: Dangerous jump
Making the rounds today is this pair of epic Elite: Dangerous videos depicting the exploits of Elite clan Distant Worlds as 52 members of...