MMO sandbox BitCraft emphasizes player ownership and terraforming while avoiding a griefing ‘hellscape’
Clockwork Labs' Gamer Director Carter "Minch" Minshull and CTO Alessandro Asoni sat for a lengthy podcast-esque video this week focused on upcoming sandbox BitCraft...
Massively Overthinking: How should MMOs handle in-game criming?
A week or so ago, I fell down a rabbit hole when writing up an ArcheAge post. Kakao was handing out joke titles for...
Elite Dangerous griefers stream-sniped Frontier’s own community managers
Back in May 2017, we reported on the killing of Salome, a character in the fiction of Elite: Dangerous whose novel-ending journey through the...
Guild Wars 2 trolls are blocking others’ access to new legendary weapon skins… by causing events to succeed
Guild Wars 2 players are failing to succeed at failing because other players are trolling them by forcing them to succeed. Hang on, let's...
Star Citizen deep-dives alpha 3.15 as players get high and OD enemies with meds
There are a lot of game-changing updates coming to Star Citizen in alpha 3.15, and CIG would like to break it all down for...
An infamous WoW Classic griefer sees his 16 accounts all banned during a livestream
If you've got your finger on the pulse of the greater World of Warcraft: Classic community, you perhaps are familiar with the exploits of...
Stick and Rudder: Leader of Elite Dangerous ‘slavery’ racket espouses a ‘cult-like’ guild full of ‘chaos and evil’
Last week we reported on an effort by several players of Elite: Dangerous to dupe new players into a sort of indentured servitude by...
WoW Classic players squabble over the Ahn’Qiraj Scarab Lord title amidst griefing and bans
Some player-crafted drama in WoW Classic appears to be brewing as guilds seek to complete a certain portion of the Scarab Lord quest chain....
Fight or Kite: Griefing! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
Here we are at the very first Fight or Kite of the New Year and of the decade. With it, let’s discuss something that...
Bethesda says Fallout 76 scrapbox bug is a ‘top priority’ as ‘class warfare’ griefing claims surface
Ah, Fallout 76. Fans went from eagerness for "Country Roads" to using that same song as a backdrop for a year in review video...
Desert Oasis: A guide to open PvP and grindspot etiquette in the world of Black Desert
Back in my classic Guild Wars days, I was so happy to have the scrimmage system. It was a great way to solve arguments....
Mordhau says it’s now ‘taking toxicity and racism seriously’ plus adding more maps and modes
"Multiplayer medieval slasher" Mordhau worked its way through the news cycle this spring and summer, first for its dazzling Steam launch and then for...
Ubisoft cracks down on chat griefers with Rainbow Six banwave
File this one under are you even kidding me right now: A whole bunch of griefers just got banned from Rainbow Six Siege for...
Desert Oasis: How AFKing in Black Desert is more productive than you think
You know what I enjoy doing in MMOs? Not doing anything. I fancy myself an AFK enthusiast. Finding a nice, scenic spot to park...
Red Dead Online’s beta expands with battle royale mode Gun Rush as Rockstar eyes griefing fixes
We've known since at least November that Red Dead Online, the in-beta multiplayer component of Red Dead Redemption 2, was due for a battle...
Red Dead Online has a creative approach to handling griefing
So right now, I'm feeling the pain of being a PC-specific gamer: Not only can I not play Red Dead Redemption 2, but I...
EVE Vegas 2018: EVE Online is finally getting a fair wardec system
In my latest EVE Evolved column, I looked into the unfair nature of highsec war declaration in EVE Online. This feature bypasses police protections...
EVE Evolved: Wars are literally ruining EVE Online
EVE Online is fundamentally about real conflict between players on massive scales, and yet I would venture to say that wars are literally ruining...
Today in why we can’t have nice things: How a No Man’s Sky griefer exploits design flaws to screw with communities
A No Man's Sky griefer purporting to roleplay an evil emperor, monologuing and all, decided to up his griefer game by taking it out of game and...
E3 2018: Bill Roper on gaming’s smoke and mirrors, Worlds Adrift, and building on SpatialOS
For MMO players, Improbable brought some interesting ideas to GDC this past spring. It also brought some games I wasn't expecting, and the ones I...