group finder
Vitae Aeternum: New World’s dungeon finder is a welcome addition
A few weeks ago, New World finally launched its cross-world expedition group finder, otherwise known as a dungeon finder. While it was arguably overdue,...
The Soapbox: In defence of World of Warcraft Cataclysm
When Blizzard announced Cataclysm Classic servers for World of Warcraft, there was some bemusement in the broader MMORPG community. Cataclysm has always been controversial,...
Saga of Lucimia explains its notice board approach to finding a group
The latest entry on the development of Saga of Lucimia is all about group finding tools, and quelle surprise, the developers don't like them....
Elder Scrolls Online’s Dark Brotherhood DLC buffs up the group finder
Are you into grouping in The Elder Scrolls Online? Good news for you: ZeniMax says today in a new dev blog that it's focused...
Tomorrow’s The Secret World patch adds new PvP scenario, new group finder
Ready to quite literally fight to be king of the mountain? The Secret World's Shambala scenario tasks players with doing precisely that with a...
The Daily Grind: Are you ever reluctant to get involved in MMORPG group content?
I have a very difficult time doing group content without group finders. This may come as a surprise to readers, but I'm actually a...
WildStar plans quality-of-life improvements, midnight relaunch
WildStar's massive free-to-play transition and patch is less than a week away, which means that Carbine is getting to the end of its revelations. Today...
Dark Age of Camelot is adding ‘casual group finder’
Broadsword took Dark Age of Camelot offline for the better part of today, according to its website. Why? To push out patch 1.117C, which tweaks dopplegangers, adds...