
See: Guild Wars 2

One Shots: There are many thrones, but this one is mine

In most of our real homes, the only throne we have does unspeakable double duty and isn't something we'd show off to visitors. But...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 268: Second chances in the apocalypse

Justin, Bree, and Colin discuss Phantasy Star Online 2, Fallout 76, Holly Longdale's move to Blizzard, WoW Classic, WoW, Star Trek Online, with adventures in LOTRO, Elder Scrolls Online, City of Heroes, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on FFXIV's dungeon problem, favorite MMO group roles, and specific gamer types as warning signs for games.

The Stream Team: Glitches in Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box

It's time for more Super Adventure Box fun! Guild Wars 2's event is back, and this year it has includes some glitches. (No, Massively...

Classic Guild Wars is turning 15 years old with a party, new gear, and a Guild Wars 2 gift

Let's talk about Guild Wars - classic Guild Wars, that is, one of the most beloved MMOs among veterans in our genre, assuming you...

Global Chat: That moment when you realize you chose the wrong MMO class

Have you ever gotten deep into a character's journey in an MMO -- and gradually realized that you'd picked the wrong class for you...

One Shots: The ultimate waterbed

I had an aunt and uncle in Florida who had a waterbed. We always thought it was the most bizarrely awesome thing, although now...

Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box festival is finally live (check out the new SAB raptor skin!)

Way back in 2013, Guild Wars 2 dropped an April Fools' Day patch so epic it literally won our team's award for best expansion...
There was so much potential.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs have the best movement animation?

While it's not utterly necessary, an MMORPG that lets my character be very mobile and agile is a delight to experience. So many MMOs,...

Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Box reopens next week, plus somebody bought the golden sink

Finally! ArenaNet had previously announced that Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box, inarguably the best April Fools' event in all of MMO land, was...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the messiest combat?

I don't like messes. They freak me out. The chaos, the uncertainty, it gets to me. And it's as true in real life as...

Massively Uplifting: Cake, coloring, and EVE Online’s PLEX4Good COVID-19 relief

The news this past month has been infected with the novel coronavirus. It's everywhere we turn, and we can't escape it even if we...

The Stream Team: Colossal kitties in Guild Wars 2

Some days you game hardcore, and other days you just want to chill and admire the colossal kitties. The latter is exactly what Massively...

Former ArenaNet art lead Jens Hauch passes away at age 46

It's always sad to report when one of the forces behind a game has passed away. Jens Hauch served as a longtime technical art...

One Shots: A nose in a book

I love me a good library. When I was a kid, going to libraries and book stores were some of my favorite outings, so...

The Game Archaeologist: The history of Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box

In the MMORPG genre, April Fools' Day is especially relished as a time in which developers and studios can get a bit wacky and...

A fan-made Guild Wars 2 dating sim is arriving on Friday to support charity

How would you like to enjoy some amusing Guild Wars 2 dating options without having to actually log in to Guild Wars 2 and...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 265: Delusions of Elyria

Justin, Bree, MJ, and Mia discuss Chronicles of Elyria, Guild Wars 2, PSO2, Ashes of Creation, Saga of Lucimia, WoW Classic and Burning Crusade, with adventures in LOTRO, Revelation Online, Don't Starve Together, and City of Heroes, plus mailbag topics on player housing and optional sub servers.
Read it and... well, just read it.

Flameseeker Chronicles: Speculating on Guild Wars 2’s Cantha expansion features

I never thought I’d be saying this with a straight face, but yes, Guild Wars 2 is finally going to Cantha! This fan-favorite locale...
Notably after!

The Daily Grind: When you return to an MMO, do you start over or continue?

Recently I loaded back up Guild Wars 2 after a multi-year absence. While I still have a strong roster of decked-out level 80 characters...

Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box is coming mid-April, not next week, and there’s no new World

I've joked a few times this week about how badly my kids want to play Super Adventure Box in Guild Wars 2, and I...