
Maclaine Diemer opens up about composing Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Today we are sitting down with ArenaNet Lead Composer Maclaine Diemer, who players might best know from his work on Guild Wars 2: Heart...

Ultima Online starts testing pet patch, teases 20th anniversary plans

Did you realize before you saw this headline that the granddaddy of all graphical MMORPGs is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year? Yes, we...

One Shots: There’s nothing wrong with being childish

An interesting bit of fallout from last week's One Shots challenge to submit a picture that captures a "childlike" spirit is that several commenters...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World predictions 2016 vs 2017

It's no secret that The Secret World had a rough year in 2016. I just really wish I could say differently. And it's especially...
Worlds Adrift

Massively Overthinking: Breaking your immersions in MMORPGs

Veteran MOP reader and tipster Nordavind is going to break your immersions. Just kidding. He does have a question for us all on that...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World says sayonara to 2016

Have you ever had a year that you looked back on and all you could really say was, Hey, I made it through. I've...

The Stream Team: Gallivanting around Guild Wars 2’s Wintersday

Massively OP's MJ may not have done so well on Guild Wars 2's Halloween jumping puzzle, but surely she can do better on the...

Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: Best MMORPG Holiday Event of 2016

Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2016 awards continue today with our award for the MMORPG with the Best Holiday Event of 2016, which is yet another new award for...

The Stream Team: Living it up in Elder Scrolls Online’s New Life Festival

The Elder Scrolls Online surprised and delighted Massively OP's MJ with a Halloween-themed event, but that wasn't the end of things - now there's...

One Shots: Lost in space

You might think you're having a bad week. You would be wrong. A bad week is getting podded in the void of space as...

One Shots: Shifty adorableness

I don't want any of us to be fooled by this picture. Shifty-eyed evil comes in many forms, the most deceptive of which is...

Massively Overthinking: FOMO and time-limited events in MMORPGs

Earlier this week, Daybreak told players it wanted to get back to time-limited events in DC Universe Online. "Events make logging in every day...

Chaos Theory: The disappointment of The Secret World’s Samhain

The season to end all seasons has come and gone. The Secret World's Samhain has faded back into the fog, and it will be another...
Oh, yeah, all is well, totally.

For Science: A third of our polled social media users quit Pokemon Go over trackers

Pokemon Go has received some large updates recently: the buddy system, medals, some big gym changes (twice), and now we've got dailies. We've been dazzled...

One Shots: A lovely holiday

If you were a dragon, what kind of dragon would you be? Perhaps you'd go traditional, with the whole "giant world-devourer" aspect. Maybe you'd...

One Shots: Postcards from the universe

I am not above indulging in a little universe window shopping now and then. NASA's pictures of the universe might be touched up with...

The Stream Team: Hunting ARK’s dangerous DodoRex

Last week, Massively OP's MJ showed off ARK's Fear Evolved mega monsters, the DodoWyvern and the DodoRex. Today, she is on the hunt for...

The Stream Team: Dungeons and Dragons Online does Halloween

Massively OP's MJ has had quite the ordeal trying to get in to experience DDO's Halloween event, The Night Revels. But she's not going...

The Stream Team: Chasing the Rider in The Secret World

Although Massively OP's MJ has plenty of other goals in The Secret World (The Unseen achievement is a top priority!), she can't break away...

Chaos Theory: A guide to The Secret World’s Samhain 2016

Well, there you have it. After 12 months of anticipation, the 2016 Samhain event in The Secret World is here. And I most definitely have...