
Bless Online’s 4th of July patch offers content for PvE and PvP players

It's a big week for Bless Online, as Neowiz is prepping an update due to hit right smack in the middle of the 4th...

The Stream Team: Testing the Will to Live Online

Do you have Will to Live Online? Massively OP's MJ does! And she's willing to see how long her will actually keeps her alive...

The MOP Up: EverQuest II’s scorched sky policy (July 1, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Stream Team: Sun and fun in LOTRO’s summer festival

It has been... well, almost a fortnight since LOTRO's last festival, so it's obviously time for another! The summer festival has begun, and Massively...

The Stream Team: Raiding ARK’s island ascension cave

With access to a full set of ARK servers, Massively OP's MJ and the crew have their choice of adventures. And today, they choose...

The Stream Team: Friday is giveaway day with Wizard101!

Friday is giveaway day with MOP and Wizard101! Massively OP's MJ has come in possession of some nifty new Accursed Play Gauntlet packs, and...

Starfighter Inc expands its alpha test and overhauls its ship systems

Remember Starfighter Inc? This crowdfunded title was aiming to be a multiplayer spiritual successor to the X-Wing and TIE Fighter games of the 1990s....

The Stream Team: Bless Online’s return of the protector

The Protector has returned! The denizens of Bless were shouting this refrain when Massively OP's MJ last played, but will this really solve their...

Choose My Adventure: Capping things off in Final Fantasy XI

All right. When last I left off my Final Fantasy XI time, it was... wait, June 7th?! What the heck happened? If not for...

The Stream Team: A second attempt at DCUO’s second part of The Death of Superman

When Massively OP's MJ tried to do The Death of Superman, part 2 in DCUO, the game died instead. The update killed the launcher...

Battle Royale roundup: Realm Royale, H1Z1, PUBG, and Cuisine Royale

All hands on deck, people! We are at Maximum Battle Royale this summer and the bubble hasn't burst - at least not yet. Maybe...

The Stream Team: Showing off Conan Exiles’ cosmetic Khitan DLC

Conan Exiles just released its first paid DLC, and the content is all cosmetic. And you know Massively OP's MJ can't pass up good...

The Soapbox: The western port of Bless Online feels like a curse

To say that the development of Neowiz’s high-fantasy MMO Bless has been somewhat beleaguered would be an understatement. Since the Korean import’s Western release...

The Stream Team: Going to Trove’s Geode

Massively OP's MJ built the ship, and now it is time to set sail and travel to Geode! The expansion/update is live, and she...

The Stream Team: Ending SWTOR’s End Times

End Times has not ended. The Odessa base in SWTOR is still under attack, and Massively OP's Larry and MJ have quite a bit of...

The Stream Team: Happy first birthday Secret World Legends

Folks may have been partying all weekend, but today is Secret World Legends' birthday. And what better reason for Massively OP's MJ to spend...

The Stream Team: Re-living Star Wars Galaxies memories in the Emu on the game’s 15th birthday

You hear Massively OP's staff talk about Star Wars Galaxies all the time. But have you seen it? Now you can. The game may...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Our preview of Guild Wars 2’s Long Live the Lich, now live

We've waited out the short delay, and today's the day when we get our hands on the third episode of Guild Wars 2's fourth Living...

ArenaNet on Guild Wars 2’s living story, Heart of Thorns vs. Path of Fire, security, and momentum

Though ArenaNet was technically at E3 this year, the group representing Guild Wars 2 was chiefly a marketing and business one, so they carted our interview...

The Stream Team: Plundering an entire Path of Exile temple

Thanks to friends, the last time Massively OP's MJ built up her Path of Exile temple she was able to unlock all the rooms...