
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: 10 Blizzard games that everyone forgets existed

So by this point I think it's fair to say that most of our readers are aware that I love weird rabbit holes that...

The Game Archaeologist: A look back at proto-MMOs through the 1980s

Today I want to try something a little different as we look at MMORPG history. Rather than focus in on a single title or...

The Game Archaeologist: World of Warcraft in the 1990s

MMORPGs don't pop out of nowhere, ex nihilo, to suddenly be enjoyed by players across the globe. Good ones take several years, dozens of...

The Daily Grind: Do you want to go back and see old content in MMOs?

Bree and I were having a conversation about video games the other day, which is not unusual. (We kibbitz a lot about video games;...

The Game Archaeologist: Dragon Ball Online, the MMO that never made it to the west

It was back in 1986 that Toei Animation, a Japanese company, brought a new series called Dragon Ball into the world. The initial run...

Ubisoft’s Echoes of History podcast focuses in on the historical figures of Skull and Bones’ setting

Ubisoft's upcoming Skull and Bones is inspired by and set in a time period widely known as the Golden Age of Piracy, specifically the...
I, too, enjoy my staff with no overt implications!

Albion Online looks back at an eventful 2022 before 2023 arrives

Ah, memories of 2022. Remember that time when Albion Online gave you a gigantic bunny mount if you put in the work required to...
Walk free.

The Daily Grind: Do you ever feel as if you dodged a bullet in MMOs?

If you have played an MMO with bullets in it, odds are good you have dodged at least one just because of how these...
da fuq did I just read

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida sparks backlash over a bad answer to questions on diversity in Final Fantasy XVI

Final Fantasy XIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida has long been held up as a shining example of what can be expected of someone...

Final Fantasy XI chronicles the game’s history from 2009 to 2012

A lot changed for Final Fantasy XI between 2009 and 2012. During that stretch of time the game announced a big set of add-on...

Final Fantasy XI prepares for the Buffalo Blitz while the anniversary site looks back at console hardware

These days, the idea of an MMO on a video game console is not particularly surprising, considering that your consoles are all connected to...

Final Fantasy XIV takes a closer look behind the motives of Hermes in its anniversary fiction

If you've seen the ending of Final Fantasy XIV's most recent expansion (and really, it's been months, what excuse do you have for not...

Bethesda and id software turn on old official servers for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Back in the day, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was a team-based FPS that a lot of people really enjoyed playing. Some people enjoyed it so...

MMO dev Raph Koster disambiguates sandboxes, themeparks, simulation, and stagecraft

Veteran MMO developer Raph Koster, who himself is working on a sandbox MMO couched in a metaverse, is back with another dev blog this...
No thank you.

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs you wish you’d never played at all?

My list of played MMOs is long. Not as long as some people, to be fair; there are people who have played nearly everything...

Fortnite brings back Martin Luther King Jr. ‘I have a dream’ tour after last year’s disruptions

With August 28th marking the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I have a dream" speech, Fortnite is once again attempting to hold...

The creation and crash of the forgotten Raph Koster MMO Metaplace

Let's ignore the fact that "decentralization" is shorthand for pyramid scheme grift nowadays and think back to how the internet was once a very...

The Game Archaeologist: MegaWars, the Star Trek online sim from the ’70s

When we look at the early days of online computer gaming, it shouldn't be a surprise that the geeky crowd that was working on...
Oh, look, Giddy.

Final Fantasy XI developers talk the game’s 20th anniversary while preparing more reward campaigns

There's a lot to celebrate when a game hits 20 years of age, and Final Fantasy XI has been celebrating all month. It's still...
Oh no.

Four Winds: Remembering TERA’s wild start and in-game politics

Well, the TERA sunset thing caught me off guard. I don't play TERA, but I was always under the impression that the game was...