hong kong

Nintendo finally announced the Switch 2, launching this year

After endless hemming and hawing and leaks and fuss, Nintendo has finally formally revealed the Nintendo Switch 2 as of this morning, and yes,...

RIP Harry Potter Magic Awakened – NetEase officially killed it off last night

It’s never easy to say goodbye to an MMO – especially one that you’ve personally spent every day playing since launch. Of course, we’ve...
Lots of people, sure, why not.

So apparently the PlanetSide IP’s new owner is a private equity firm named Astrapto Capital

Let me provide some context for this post: At the top of 2024, Enad Global 7, which owns Daybreak and whose top execs came...

NetEase Q2 2024: NetEase’s MMOs propelled a revenue lift, but its stock dipped hard anyway

We haven't often covered NetEase's financial reports, but as the company continues to chuck out (and sunset) new multiplayer games and MMOs, it seems...

NetEase abruptly announces an October sunset for Harry Potter Magic Awakened’s western version

NetEase and WB Games have some dreadful and abrupt news for fans of the mobile MMO Harry Potter Magic Awakened: It's sunsetting in the...
Worldwide with the thrones.

NCsoft expands Throne & Liberty publishing to several additional regions in Asia and beyond

There's still a little time remaining before Throne & Liberty finally launches over here on September 17th as published by Amazon. But there are...

The Game Archaeologist: Dragon Ball Online, the MMO that never made it to the west

It was back in 1986 that Toei Animation, a Japanese company, brought a new series called Dragon Ball into the world. The initial run...

The Soapbox: The real cost of breaking trust with gamers

There's a quote going around these days in gaming spheres about trust being like a broken vase that can be fixed but will never...

Star Citizen player event talks ship plans, building mechanics, player housing, and lowered priority for Theaters of War

This past weekend saw fans of Star Citizen converge in Shanghai and Hong Kong, China, for some Bar Citizen community events. Normally this wouldn't...
Commence the jiggling.

Blue Protocol JP celebrates 200K concurrency and 600K total players with in-game freebies

Despite the multiple problems that have beleaguered the MMORPG, Bandai Namco has noted the large number of Blue Protocol players who arrived to the...

Could an AI bot do a better job as a games company CEO than an actual human?

That headline's not an idle question: Chinese gaming company NetDragon decided to give it a try. Last August, NetDragon, which runs multiple MMOs including...

Amazon canceled its Lord of the Rings MMO over Tencent complications, Smed’s new game is still in production

Almost exactly four years ago, we first learned about the existence of a new Lord of the Rings MMORPG, backed by Hong Kong-based Leyou...

Webzen’s mobile MMO R2M arrives to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao

The past couple of months has seen the hype building for the launch of R2M, a mobile MMO version of the 16 year-old Korean...

The MOP Up: Astroneer’s trains chug-a-choo-choo onto the Switch

Trains in space? Hey, why not! Astroneer brought the fun of high-tech rail transport to the Nintendo Switch this past week: "Enjoy building rail...

Diablo Immortal delays its launch in China, sending NetEase stock into freefall

It would appear that investors of the Chinese games giant NetEase were pinning a lot of hopes on Diablo Immortal's launch to China. The...

Diablo Immortal plans to roll out to the rest of Asia Pacific in late June

You may have missed it in the announcement that Diablo Immortal will launch on June 2nd, but this release won't be a global rollout....

The MOP Up: PUBG New State and Among Us become paranoid bedfellows

If paranoia and backstabbing is your jam, do you go to PUBG or do you head into Among Us? Now you can do both,...
I want a milky way.

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft: Dragonflight isn’t going to fix everything that’s broken at Blizzard

I really wanted to write a different column this week. I really did. But wouldn't you know it, Activision-Blizzard had to remind everyone that...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go actually nerfed its own support rather than help players

This article is part three of a four-piece series on safety in Pokemon Go as well as other Niantic games. You can read all...

Massively on the Go: How Pokemon Go support fails MMOARG stalking victims

This article is part two of a four-piece series on safety in Pokemon Go as well as other Niantic games. You can read all...