
Chaos Theory: The Secret World predictions 2016 vs 2017

It's no secret that The Secret World had a rough year in 2016. I just really wish I could say differently. And it's especially...

Love and skates: The Secret World offers Valentine goodies and new challenge

Love is in the air! And according to The Secret World, it's more of a plague. But players may actually be interested in catching...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever play MMORPGs against ‘type’?

Perhaps owing at least in part to the charisma of its chief executive, Camelot Unchained is one of those rare in-production MMORPGs that seems...
Oh, thanks.

Massively Overthinking: Unholy MMORPG hybrids

Massively OP reader and frequent tipster Gibbins wants us to play match-maker. "I love the wonderful world that Bethesda created with the Fallout franchise, not...

Dark and Light’s world map covers 25 regions

The team behind the revival of Dark and Light have a mighty task ahead to convince players to give this fantasy sandbox a second...

One Shots: A purrrfect sunset

What makes a good sunset even better? When you get to curl up with your favorite pet and share a Hallmark moment together. UpayaCrow kicks...

Massively Overthinking: Death and dying in MMORPGs

In March of last year, MOP's Justin wrote a detailed guide to the most common death penalties in MMORPGs. Last September, Gamasutra pulled seven...

The Daily Grind: Is there MMO content you dread repeating on alts?

As a habitual and lifelong altoholic, I am quite used to walking a new generation of characters in the footsteps of their forefathers and foremothers....
ahhhhh tentacles ahhhhh

These are the gods overseeing your fate in Conan Exiles

With just one week to go before its early access launch, Conan Exiles wants you to get spiritual. Specifically, Funcom's released a dev blog...

Paradox Interactive is making a World of Darkness werewolf game

Those still licking their wounds over the years-old demise of the World of Darkness CCP MMO can howl with delight that IP-owner Paradox Interactive...

Chaos Theory: My Secret World 2017 goals

When the year-end Massively Overthinking asked about game resolutions, I honestly answered that I don't really make any because I hadn't ever done that...
My life is not fun.

Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the most unclear futures in 2017

A little while back, I took a look at the healthiest games in the MMO space at this time. That was a nice, uplifting...

Global Chat: Elder Scrolls Online renaissance

As I peruse a hundred or so community blog posts every day, it's fascinating to me to see what games the MMO blogosphere as...

The Daily Grind: Are contemporary settings underutilized in MMOs?

We all know that fantasy is by far the most popular setting for MMORPGs -- but what is the least? While not completely unrepresented...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively Overthinking: Tab-target vs. action combat in MMORPGs

Massively OP patron Duane is kicking the new year off right: with a brawl over combat types in MMOs. "Tab-target, action, or hybrid combat, for...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World says sayonara to 2016

Have you ever had a year that you looked back on and all you could really say was, Hey, I made it through. I've...
Oh jeez.

The MMOs we lost in 2016

If you thought we lost a lot of MMOs in 2014 and 2015, wait until you see 2016's list. It's easy to shrug off some...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most expensive item you’ve ever bought in an MMORPG cash shop?

A few weeks back, I was super excited about the elk mount coming to the Elder Scrolls Online cash shop. I needed a mount...
Real-is-brown filter removed.

Escape from Tarkov wraps up its year of development in this 18-minute video

Before you jump into 2017 to escape the dystopian horror of this year, you might want to pause for a moment to catch up...

The Stream Team: A winter date with Hel in The Secret World

As much as Massively OP's MJ loves The Secret World's Christmas Conspiracy holiday mission, there's more to the event than just that. And she...