
Pictured: bugs, we guess? Metaphor is hard.

Crowfall shows off UI improvements

Even if you're not involved in the actual testing process for Crowfall, you probably like seeing the game in action just to confirm that...

EverQuesting: Five EverQuest II features you may have forgotten

Use it or lose it. I may have learned that little gem in relation to skills and talents, but it applies to the world...

Skyforge demos Ascension’s upcoming campaign progression map

Since announcing the game-rewriting Ascension expansion for Skyforge at the end of August, has been busy explaining everything the update will entail, from...

A British telecom is suing Valve over Steam

UK-based corporation British Telecom is apparently suing Valve in the US state of Delaware over its claim that Valve violates multiple patents held by...

Skyforge’s Ascension expansion promotes casual-friendly changes, new map, Outlaw class

Allods Team and have announced a "massive" new expansion for Skyforge due out this fall. Called Ascension, the update includes a badass new...

H1Z1 King of the Kill touts ‘completely redesigned’ interface

H1Z1: King of the Kill's development updates are coming as fast as the game updates, as there's a new producer's letter out this week...
A whole new wait, no, not doing this song, never mind.

TERA plans server merges and sweeping guild changes

TERA is gearing up for a most unusual round of server merges. "On Wednesday, September 7, we will be merging Highwatch, Lake of Tears, and...

SkySaga’s alpha 9 revamps its tutorial, buffs the City of First Light

Alpha 9 has descended upon British-born voxelbox SkySaga. "We've made a lot of changes to SkySaga this Alpha and added some really awesome new features...

Perfect Ten: My favorite features in RIFT

RIFT receives too little of the MMORPG community's attention, partially due to its age (six years now), contentious feelings toward Trion Worlds, or a perception...

Ascent: The Space Game patches in terraforming

Move over, No Man's Sky and Star Citizen: The ever-plucky one-man dev team at Fluffy Kitten Studios beat you to it. Ascent: The Space...

Pokemon Go: Appraisal patch, stampedes, and fixing that UI

Pokemon Go's latest patch finally makes the team leaders do something. "Implemented Pokémon Appraisal: Trainers will now be able to learn about a Pokémon’s attack...

Worlds Adrift kicks off alpha signups with new trailer

Worlds Adrift has just announced that it's opening alpha signups. "We’re really pleased to announce that we’re now recruiting LOTS of people for the next...

‘Micro-MOBA’ One Tower is coming next month

Looking for a MOBA that trims the fat and excess company, leaving just you and one other player to battle it out with minions...

NCsoft previews Aion 5.1 for EU with new instances and battlefields

If you're thinking, hey, didn't Aion just put out a patch like 10 days ago, then congratulate your memory on retaining that information. Indeed,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best inventory system?

Video game packrats, obsessive compulsives, and that one guildie of mine whose MMO inventory literally has everything he's ever looted: Today's Daily Grind is...

Global Chat: Deaf gamers and MMO captioning

What is it like to play MMORPGs if you're deaf? Just ask Stars of the Spiral's Kelsey, who talks of her condition and why...

Ultima Online’s latest patch heralds Eodon event, 19th birthday gifts

"Publish 94 is out the door," wrote Ultima Online Producer Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong in a newsletter earlier this week. Broadsword has added fresh anniversary...
This is all good.

EU Aion 5.0 offers more character customization at beginning and end game

Aion 5.0 Lost Memories not only brings new instances, new regions, and new quests to the EU but also introduces a new Creation Power...

Fragmented’s latest live build should make crafters happy

Fragmented's latest patch is a big one for player crafters as it adds batch crafting to the crafting stations in the game. The better...

Wizard101 starts selling instant level 50 boosts, adds a Make-a-Wish character

Like it or hate it, the trend of instantly boosting new characters to high levels in older MMOs is spreading across the genre. The...