internet spaceships

Star Trek Online starts selling incredibly expensive outfits

Looking for a recipe for instant Star Trek Online community controversy? Add something, anything to the in-game store. Bam. You're welcome. This week's particular brouhaha...

Star Citizen’s new season of Around the Verse shakes up the format

Season three of Star Citizen's long-running Around the Verse series is kicking off this week with a special guest: Chris Roberts himself. Roberts joins regular...
Gothier than thou.

The Daily Grind: How important are MMORPG playerbase metrics to you?

While playing Overwatch with guildies the other night, my husband turned to me with a hypothetical. The guys were speculating on World of Warcraft's...

Massively Overthinking: Starting over with MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic is from a reader named Yasser, who asked us: "If you had to pick one MMO to experience all over...
Let the crows fall, let them tumble.

The Daily Grind: Do you think of yourself as an MMO PvPer?

Whether I've consciously realized it or not, I've been a PvPer since my first FFA PvP sandbox, Ultima Online, in 1997. Since then, I've...

EVE Evolved: When was EVE Online’s golden age?

In the latest Massively Overthinking article, our Patreon patron Duane got us thinking about whether the golden age of the MMO industry has passed or MMOs are actually in...

One Shots: Strange voyages

As cool and iconic that Star Trek ships look, I've always thought they also came across as fragile, with pieces sticking out here and...
Back, back, back in time.

Star Trek Online is heading to Star Trek Las Vegas

Are you heading out to the City of Gin-Soaked Regrets (or "Las Vegas" as it's more commonly known) for Star Trek Las Vegas? Because...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse: Procedural planets, GrimHex, and free-fly

The fourth and final 100th episode of Star Citizen's Around the Verse is up -- OK, so it's really 103, right? But they are...

Perfect Ten: Older PC games that would make for great MMOs

Video games had a huge impact on my childhood and teenage years, imprinting themselves onto my psyche for all of the struggles and elation...

Star Trek Online confuses community with ship giveaway

Who would have thought that the Ferengi could stir up such unrest in Star Trek? Controversy has arisen after some Star Trek Online players have...
Yes, this is definitely dirt.

Star Trek Online sends players back in time for mining

Time travel is always a mess. In the past, Captain Kirk of the Enterprise brokered peace with the Gorn Hegemony, resulting in a peaceful...

Sea of Thieves shies away from friendly fire and permanent loss

Rare is still feeling out the "emergent world" of Sea of Thieves as the game nears its closed beta testing phase. In an interview...
Just admit it's launch day.

The Soapbox: Calling an MMO launch a launch

It's launch. Can we collectively accept that? Marketing, developers, and players alike? Launch is launch. When your game launches, it has launched. If I can...

The Daily Grind: What do you expect from MMORPG expansions in 2016?

I ran across an intriguing chunk of comments down below Justin's impressions piece on Star Trek Online's latest expansion. One reader said he was...

The MOP Up: RuneScape Chronicles’ beach party (July 17, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Gentlemen, to evil!

There are some subtle signs that you can look for when you're trying to gauge if you've become truly evil. Conquering small nations for...

Star Citizen has the financial backing of 500,000 fans

While much is made of Roberts Space Industries' work on Star Citizen, perhaps much less known is the job that Turbulent has performed. This...
Admiral Admirable!

Star Trek Online celebrates the franchise anniversary with an admiral’s uniform

This year, Star Trek Online celebrates an important anniversary. Star Trek has been around for 50 years, and whether you first fell in love...

Trion’s Scott Hartsman on Trove’s console launch, fighting lag, and whether RIFT is next

Following Trion's announcement earlier this week that its cutesy voxel sandbox MMORPG Trove had registered five million players in its first year and that...