Richard Garriott‘s avatar during and after the Ultima series, including Ultima Online.
lord british
Perfect Ten: The MMORPGs to watch in 2016
A long time ago on another website far, far away, I held a tradition of kicking off the new year by listing the top...
Stratics MMO players turn to Indiegogo in bid to buy their own site
If you've been playing MMOs for as long as I have, then was probably one of the first MMO websites you ever visited,...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the MMO hipster
I say this with nothing but love in my heart: Some of you guys are serious MMO hipsters. Heck, some of you guys were...
The Game Archaeologist: Ultima X Odyssey
I think any MMO veteran has a private list of prematurely canceled games that he or she deeply wishes had been completed and launched....
The MOP Up: TERA’s creepy cat mounts (November 15, 2015)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Shroud of the Avatar talks release 23 postmortem and more
Portalarium published Update of the Avatar #151 this morning. It dives deep into Shroud of the Avatar, and it offers readers a look at...
Shroud of the Avatar goes recursive with Release 23
Shroud of the Avatar is the most recent game that Richard Garriott has worked on, so why not spend your time in that game...
The Game Archaeologist: The assassination of Lord British
At the end of August 2015, the fledgling Shroud of the Avatar community gathered together for a massive PvP fight. This wasn't to be...
Lord British’s death captured for posterity in Shroud of the Avatar PvP event
Shroud of the Avatar fans recently witnessed a bit of history: the in-game death of Lord British! During a 12-hour livestream event and pledge...
Perfect Ten: Ten MMO futures that never were
One of the things I spend a lot of time thinking about is Operation Unthinkable. For those of you who don't feel like clicking...
E3 2015: Garriott and Long share Shroud of the Avatar secrets
This past year, Shroud of the Avatar moved from a monthly weekend-release cadence to being online 24/7, but the major updates have been no...
Catching up with Shroud of the Avatar’s Starr Long
As Kickstarter projects successfully funded via the power of nostalgia have proven, gamer loyalty can burn strong even decades after experiencing titles that make...
Richard Garriott’s first CRPG playable in Shroud of the Avatar
In 1977, Richard Garriott designed his first computer RPG on a teletype at his high school in order to earn a computer of his...
Shroud of the Avatar talks dev events, a community app, and more
Shroud of the Avatar's latest update is typically meaty. It features the usual footnotes related to in-game tweaks and changes as well as blurbs...
Garriott teaches Roberts about zero-G physics in pre-interview footage
Gamers Nexus spoke with industry legends Richard Garriott and Chris Roberts over the weekend, but I couldn't tell you the first thing about the...
Shroud of the Avatar tops $6 million in crowdfunding
Shroud of the Avatar has amassed over $6 million in crowdfunding along with over 150,000 backers according to the tracker widget on the fantasy...
Couple gets married in Shroud of the Avatar’s first wedding
Shroud of the Avatar isn't even in proper alpha testing yet, but the fantasy title has already been host to its first in-game wedding.
Richard Garriott: Open development and crowdsourcing is a ‘joy’
There's a lot of debate and discussion these days as to the virtues and usefulness of early access and transparent development, but at least...