

The Daily Grind: Who was the best new character added in an MMORPG in 2016?

We're gearing up to kick off our annual awards later this month, but in the meantime, we thought it would be fun to incorporate...
Darn it.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever wished that supplementary lore were represented in an MMO?

I do not care about Hearthstone. Odds are I'm never going to; I got over my CCG phase ages ago with actual cards, and...
Support. It's essential.

Albion Online shows off the Keepers of Albion

Since ancient times, the Keepers of Albion have prowled the wilds of Albion Online, rejecting civilization and venerating the wild. The latest lore video...

Wisdom of Nym: Our first preview of Final Fantasy XIV’s Patch 3.5

The last patch of Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward is on its way. It's not here, of course; we'll have to wait until January for...

Star Wars: The Old Republic provides backstory fiction for Knights of the Eternal Throne

Look, we don't want to spoil the ending of Star Wars: The Old Republic's last expansion story arc for you if you're still working...
Where and why.

Dual Universe puts out a first draft of its lore bible

Technically, one could argue that you don't need lore to make an MMORPG work; it just helps players have an idea of who they're...
It looks much better now.

Go. Hunt. Kill Rooks: City of Titans unveils its latest enemy group

Anyone who has played the game that inspired City of Titans knows that they will play with a very straightforward objective: Go. Hunt. Kill......
So. Bye?

Heroes of the Storm highlights Varian Wrynn and his multiple specs

King Varian Wrynn in Heroes of the Storm is a Warrior. Not just in the MOBA-specific terminology, either; he's a Warrior in the classic...
Why must you disappoint hopes?

Wisdom of Nym: At the end of the world for Final Fantasy XIV

It's kind of weird to think about the fact that we just passed the four-year anniversary of the end of an era in Final...

Beast is coming to Marvel Heroes, bringing the roster to 60

He's big, he's blue, he's erudite, and he has never turned back into a normal human by getting a kiss from a pretty lady....
Everyone expects

Blizzard discusses the failings of the Sombra ARG for Overwatch

The ARG surrounding Sombra's reveal in Overwatch was a bit dicey, even if you overlook stuff like players hacking other player accounts out of...
Wow. Such north. Very barbarian.

Revelation Online introduces the northern wolves

Oh no! The Northern Wolves are coming in Revelation Online! Are you scared? Do you know who the Northern Wolves are? If not, you...
The moment again.

Star Wars: the Old Republic goes into detail on repeating story chapters

If you were looking forward to hearing about what was changing with combat and class balance in Star Wars: The Old Republic's next expansion,...
Leave it, homes. I'm chilling.

Guild Wars 2 shares another chapter of Tyrian Travels

The regular installments of Guild Wars 2's Tyrian Travels feature tell the story of an asura named Vikki and her moa named Momo, and...
All she really wants is pants; is that so wrong?

WildStar’s Redmoon Mutiny arrives November 16th

So you've finished off the first part of the Redmoon Terror raid in WildStar and dealt with Mordechai Redmoon. That's all good news. The...
Herp to the derp.

WoW Factor: Sargeras, the Legion, and World of Warcraft lore on the cosmic scale

Patch 7.1 is just around the corner for World of Warcraft, and it makes me just a little bit anxious. Why? Because the expansion...
Space fleas, not from nowhere.

Star Trek Online previews its next featured episode, Echoes of Light

You can try to hide from the rest of the galaxy in Star Trek Online, but even though the galaxy is a very large...
Make me better.

DC Universe Online recaps the first two parts of Amazon Fury

It's almost time for DC Universe Online to finish up its Amazon Fury storyline, but do you even remember where the storyline was going?...
It really does smell like lore.

Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival: The lore book in review

The Final Fantasy XIV lore book should not exist. I don't mean that it's something I wish had never been made; I mean that...
Here we go again.

Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival: Reactions to Stormblood

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood ought to have be the least interesting announcement possible. It was heavily teased before it actually happened, and we knew that...