
Why don't you trust us?

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s story stream talks about resuming romance and future story developments

The next chapter of Knights of the Fallen Empire is coming out in early February, and it's reintroducing a major character to players of...

City of Titans pours effort into creating a ‘dynamic, thriving’ metropolis

Metropolis. Gotham. Hell's Kitchen. Asgard. Sometimes the places that superheroes visit are just as iconic as the heroes themselves. The upcoming City of Titans...
Practice makes something!

EVE Online event encourages players to help construct the first Citadel stations

Even in games set far in the future, people still think about living in the World of Tomorrow. EVE Online players are already experiencing...
I want to like you a lot.

Launch impressions of Blade & Soul: Combat, story, questing, and flow

Every time I play Blade & Soul, I'm really playing a different game, which I dub Why Don't I Like You More? The object...
Looking forward to adding homegirl.

Heroes of the Storm will add Diablo’s Wizard and Necromancer to its lineup

Do you miss playing a Necromancer in Diablo II? It's not quite the same when you play a round of Heroes of the Storm,...
Local Panda Recalls When She Was Special.

WoW Factor: The importance of class fantasies

Here's a fun thought exercise for you all: explain the differences between Fire Mages and Destruction Warlocks in World of Warcraft. But before you...
Just like a cat.

Crowfall details the goddess Illara and launches its pantheon guide

There's no doubt that the gods of Crowfall are powerful. But the last of the lot to be revealed - Illara, mother of cats...

Worlds Adrift is hosting a creative writing contest

Worlds Adrift is hosting a creative writing contest whose winner will find his or her work included inside the game itself. To celebrate the launch...

WildStar salutes its military leaders

It might be easy to forget that WildStar's Dominion and Exiles are at war with each other, especially considering how much both factions' citizens...
Blacker than the blackest black.

DC Universe Online ends the War of the Light on January 6th

The War of the Light is the DC Universe Online version of the elaborate battle between various different hues of power rings, and it's...
Hey, kids! I bet you thought I was dead!

Check out legendary Hearthstone cards with their inspirations from World of Warcraft

It's no secret that Hearthstone takes its inspiration from World of Warcraft. The former is meant to be inspired by the latter. That means...
You have been removed.

The Daily Grind: Who’s your favorite MMO antagonist?

One of the things I liked about Star Wars: The Old Republic right from its launch is that it gave players plenty of antagonists...
Just a small-town... town.

Skyforge examines the lore of Darnic Village

If you were asked to list the most obviously important places in Skyforge from a lore standpoint, Darnic Village wouldn't be on that list....
Later, this one falls.

Crowfall updates founders on test stats while teasing more lore

The first major test for Crowfall had just shy of 5,000 people eligible to take part in the test antics, but only 59% of...
Well, that guy sees evil.

Final Fantasy XIV’s new year celebration is all about monkey business

The new year is nearly upon us, and that means the usual Heavensturn celebration for Final Fantasy XIV. The lore of this year's event...
Happy holidaysish.

The Secret World’s Issue #13 brings back Krampus, wraps up the Kaidan survivor stories

Guess who's back once again? If you said "Krampus in The Secret World," you read the title and you are also entirely correct. The...

Skyforge previews the new Usuni Valley region

Being a deity in Skyforge is really a demanding task, isn't it? If it's not one invasion, it's another, and you are constantly set...

EVE Evolved: Operation Frostline patch and event guide

Practically every MMO does some kind of event for the holidays, but how do you bring the holiday cheer to a dystopian sci-fi universe...
Creepy even by the setting's standards!

Diablo III previews Greyhollow Island for Patch 2.4

There are lots of different flavors of creepy in Diablo III. Obviously, players are dealing with a world of the demonic at all times,...

ArtCraft starts teasing Crowfall comic book

Crowfall: The Comic Book? It's happening, although the full recipients of this colorful treat will be limited to those who snag a collector's edition...